Chapter 16

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Baileys pov:

"So where's it at?" I ask looking around as my hair blows in the wind

"It's at this club" he says

"Great" I sigh running my fingers threw my hair

Why did he have to put the top down?

"It's not one with stripers" he points out

"Oh how shocking" I say sarcastically

I feel him look at me for a moment then turn back to the road.

"So are the others coming?" I ask changing the subject

"Oh I almost forgot" he says digging in his pocket and pulling out a two small ear pieces

"Put this in" he hands one to me "it's so that ray and Mikey can tell us if something goes wrong they have cameras everywhere in that place" he says

"Ok so then is it just me and you then?" I ask

"No franks going to be walking around with us" he says as we pull into a parking lot

You can hear the club music from outside. he pulls up next to a car with frank standing by it.

We get out and I hide one gun inside my jacket and one in the back of my pants.

"Ready?" Gerard asks putting his gun inside his jacket


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