Chapter 21

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Baileys pov:

So I'm guess Gerard's just going to act like nothing happened.

Because he is, and it bothers me.

I would just act like nothing happened but I can't because something did happen!

"Ugh!" I flop face down on my bed

I don't even know what to think of him anymore!

Do I like him?

Did I like the kiss?

Did I not want him to stop....(yes)

He just so confusing, and worst part is he sucks at acting like nothing happened because his been avoiding me the pass three days!

I feel the pain in my back come back and I now I opened my cut again.

"Damn it!" I yell and stand up looking in the mirror to see a blood stain starting to form

Fuck I can't even put a new bandage on it because Gerard would help me with that!

I just fall to the floor sitting cross legged crying into my hands.

I know it stupid to cry but it hurt knowing Gerard probably regrets what happened when I like it... a lot, and my back is starting to really hurt.

My crying just went to me hiding my face in my hands because I didn't want to look up and see myself in the mirror.

I hear foot steps walk pass my door but they stop pretty fast.


I get up not looking up and go into my bathroom locking the door.

I sit on the floor just looking at the door.

I hear foot steps walking around in my room before i hear a knock on the bathroom door making me jump.

"Bailey?" Gerard's voice says softly

"I'm fine just please leave" I ask even thought I've been dying to have a convention with him

"What happened?" He asks egging on

"Nothing I'm fine" I say "just go!" I say my voice shaky

I hear him picking the lock on the door and before it open I cover my face with my hands.

"I said go" I mumble

"I don't care, I wanted to know if you where ok" he says and I feel him sit by me

He touches my back and I know he sees the blood. great.

"Bailey why didn't you tell me?!" he asks and I look at him

"Really? you haven't talked to me since that hole kiss thing why do you think I didn't want to tell you!" I almost yell

I stand up and walk grabbing clean clothes. I see that he was out of the bathroom so I go back in setting my clothes down and starting the water in the shower.

before I could close the door Gerard stops me.

"What!" I half yell


"I need to take a shower Gerard" I say and start to close the door again

He stops it grabbing my wrist and pulling are lip Together.

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