The End

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'How can I still love him?! after what he did!' I think to myself as Jamia comforts me.

"Bailey are you sure?" She asks softly and I sit up whipping my eyes with my sleeve "no I'm not.." I admit

"Then why did you say-" "I'm not sure! I just ... I really did love him and he hurt me really bad, apart of me wants to believe his story but another wants me to never see him again.." I say breathing out sitting up.

There's a loud bang and yelling from down stairs. "Stay here" I say getting up and walking down stairs I peek my wad around the corner to see Gerard and frank held at gun point by Julie who has two guns in her hand.

I look over to see the two little girls in the corner crying, they see me and I wave them over. "go up to my room and lock the door her mothers in there too" I whisper and they run up stairs.

I sneak into the kitchen and grab a knife chucking it at Julie barely messing "what the fuck!" he yells "get out!" I yell and she see me and fires the gun at me but I duck just in time.

I grab another knife when I hear someone running over to me and jumping the counter I see its Julie and kick her down getting up and running out the front door.

If there's going to be a fight I rather it not be where there are two little girls and a pregnant wife are. I hear not only one but two pairs of foot steps following me.

Being me I run into some woodenly area with a lot of trees. I run until I need to catch my breath, I lean against a tree keeping an eye out.

Someone grabs my mouth stopping me from screaming "shhh it's me.." Gerard says and I look up to meet his hazel eyes.

He points off behind me and the tree and lets me go letting me lean over and look. I see Julie walking around armed and ready to strike.

I turn back to Gerard and whisper "follow me" I look once more before running to a more hidden spot behind a tree and Gerard behind another one close by.

"I know your around here!" I hear Julie yell "who are you exactly after!" I yell back "you! you little bitch!" she yells coming up behind me and trying to shoot me.

I knock one gun out of her hand and chuck it over to Gerard "last I checked your the ones who lied to me this hole time!" I say and she swings at me with her gun but I duck and run the other way.

"He still loves you dumbass! You fucking took him from me!" that's when I stop and turn to her "took him from you? I took him from you! Are old boss made him be with you so he could protect his family! Not because he loved you or even me!" I say and she puts down her gun looking at me and I see Gerard out of the corner of my eye.

"Fuck both of you" she says pointing her gun at Gerard and firing. he runs off and I see Gerard fall to the ground holding his arm.

I run over to him and kneel down by him "are you okay?" I ask helping him sit up we both look at his upper arm to see it only grazed him there's just a cut there nothing to deep or too bad.

"Even if you don't believe me when I say it I do truly love you" Gerard says and with out thinking I lean into him colliding are lips.

I wrap my arms around his neck and sit up on my knees getting closer, he kisses back leaning his head up to keep his lips on mine while wrapping his arms around my torso.

He groans from the pain in his arm and I pull back and look at his arm "we should probably get that bandaged up" I say "it's fine... I think" he says and we both laugh and look back at each other "I'm so sorry bailey for everything" he says moving me to where I'm sitting on his lap with my legs on either side of him.

"Can you just shut up and kiss me" he laughs and kisses me again

**************back home***********

We walk back in and see frank and Jamia there with the girls "your okay!" she says getting up and hugging me "I'm so sorry around your kitchen ill help fix it" I say to her "thanks but we're just glad your ok" she says then sees Gerard's arm.

"C'mon we need to get that cleaned" she says taking Gerard's good arm and dragging him to the bathroom.

I sit down by the girls on the couch and they hug me. I laugh and hug there small body's back.

They let go and I look at frank "so do you love him?" he asks and I hear them come back in and I look at Gerard "yea I do"

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