Chapter 12

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Baileys pov:

"Gerard give it back!" I yell chasing him down stairs

He runs into a bathroom and locks it.

"Gerard!" I yell banging on the door

"What?" he asks giggling

"You know what! now come out here and just me my phone!" I yell

"Aww who's nick?" he asks

"Hey don't go threw my phone!" I yell

"Then tell me who he is!" he says sassily opening the door

"It's a friend now give it back!" I try to grab for it but he just holds it up higher

I step back a glare at him.

"Don't glare at me missy" he sasses

A smile creeps onto my lips and I walk off going to his room. Before he can't react I run in.

"HA HA!" I yell and shut the door locking him out

"Hey!" he says

"Not fun now is it?" I ask smirking looking threw his things

"Open the door" he says jiggling the door knob

"Nope you have my phone and you went threw it so I'm going threw your room!" I say opening a draw and seeing he has Star Wars underwear

I giggle "Star Wars really?" I ask

"Hey! are you going threw my clothes!" he asks

"Maybe" I say "aww! you looked cute as a kid!" I say picking up a picture of him laying on the floor smirking

He looked around 8 or 9. I hear the door slam open and Gerard run in.

I run behind he bed looking him on the other side while I'm still holding the picture.

"Give it" he says

"Aww no it's cute" I say swinging it in front of me

He run and jumps on the bed trying to get me but I run to the other side of the room.

"Ugh!" he groans in frustration

I laugh "give up?" I ask smirking as he sits up looking at me

I walk a little closer to the bed messing with him. once I'm at the end of he's bed he try's to grab it again but I hold it behind me laughing.

"Bailey" Gerard says with a straight face

"Gerard" I mock smirking

"Just remember I still have your phone" he says and wiggles it in front of me

"I still have this"I say showing him the picture

"C'mon that picture is embarrassing!" he says

"So is you going threw my phone!" I say

"Well your not getting it back until I have that back" he says standing up

"Fine by me" I shrug "I think we have a printer..." I smirk starting for he's door

But he grabs my arm and yanks me back making me fall into the bed.

I laugh "damn I was just kidding-" I'm cut off by his lips making contact with my neck

Then I realize his on top of me straddling my waist. he has his hands on my wrist keeping my hands down.

I lay there in shock as he kisses up my neck to my ear.

""G-gerard..." I say

But he keeps kissing around my neck and cheek sucking on my sweet spot at times.

I tighten my hands into balls closing my eyes.

"Bailey?" he says softly looking at me

I open my eyes and look at him and I start to get mad.

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