Chapter 32

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A/n 1k reads !! thank you all!!!

Franks pov:

Ray pulled me off of Gerard and everything goes quite "I don't care anymore, I trusted him and he just used me I really loved him but that never mattered now did it?" I look up at Gerard with hate in my eyes and he looks down.

"Exactly" she says and the phone line goes dead and Jamia puts the phone down walking over to Gerard and slapping him across the face "your fucking sick" she says

"Leave him alone!" Julie pipes in "you fuck off!" Jamia says "and both of you get the fuck out here" she says and Mikey lets his bother go giving him a look of hate and sadness.

Julie and Gerard both walk out of the building and I hug Jamia to comfort her.

Gerard's pov: (you lil fucker..)

We pull into my drive way and Julie gets out first "I'm gonna take a shower" she says as she walks off into the house.

After a couple minutes I sigh getting out and going up to my room. I change into regular clothes then sit on my bed with my head in my hands.

"I fucked up.." I sigh and put my hands down. I get up and go to the jacket pocket of my tucks and pull out baileys ring.

The door to my room opens and I quickly put the ring in my pocket "hey" Julie says "hey.." I say "there just dumbasses it's not like you really loved her" Julie's laughs and I give a weak one "yea.." I whisper putting my hand in my pocket and feeling the ring.

"I think I'm gonna catch up in some sleep are you coming?" She asks slipping on her pajamas "no I'm good" I say and start to walk out "ok" I hear her say as the lights go off and I shut the door.

I start to walk down stairs when I pass a room with the door open. baileys room. I stop and look at it, in walk stopping at the door frame putting my hand on it and looking around the room.

I feel my eyes water so I put my hands up to my face rubbing it away and I walk in further. everything is still here. I sit in her put and let some tears fall down my cheeks as I take put her ring from my pocket and remember everything we did together.

At first when I got hired to do this I didn't really care about her at all but along the way some how I truly fell in love with her. But if Julie knew that she would kill bailey right away.

God I miss her... so much.

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