chapter 24

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A/n hey go check out me and a friends new account! MyChemicalFriendship we are write are first book together!

Bailey's POV:

" you little bitch!"

"Call me something I haven't been called" I sass pulling out my gun

"Fuck you!"

"Sorry but I'm taken" I pull the trigger shooting the nasty guy in the head

"Nice one" Gerard says coming out of the other room

" thanks!" I smile and put my gun back inside my pocket

We grab the money and head out to his car.

"Shit" I cuss

"What?" Gerard asks turning to me

"I left my phone in there" I say

"I'll wait" he says leaning on his car

I run back into the house going up to the room where another dead body was.

I grab my phone and put it in my back pocket.

I'm about to leave when someone grabs me from behind picking me up and slamming me into the ground.

I groan in pain but before I can react I'm being yanked back up and slammed into the wall.

I kick back one of my legs and kicked who ever it was off me.

I run down the stairs but someone tackles me down them sending both of us falling down them onto the hard floor.

I flip us over to where I'm pinning whoever it is to the ground to get a look at them.

"Julie!" I yell

"Miss me!" she kicks my stomach and pushes me off

I quickly stand up and so does she.

"I thought you left?" I ask

"Yea well I'm back" she lunges for me but I duck and head for the door

She lunges for me again but I open the door just in time for her to fall out.

I step out and kick her down the front steps, i see Gerard look up.

I walk down the steps over to Julie she stands up and try's to punch me but I move just in time and kick her legs out from under her.

"Why are you back and how did you know I was here!" I half yell

"Boss gave me a call, saying you left... you know the rules" she says standing up holding her side

I look at her ear and see an ear piece.

I yank it out of her ear smashing it on the ground.

"Know why are you really here and how is he still alive!" I ask this time taking out my gun

"He wants you dead, like I said you know the rules.. and he is dying just slowly so he sent me to kill you" she says

I see Gerard coming closer out of the corner of my eye.

"Who's snowball?" she asks with a small laugh

"Fuck off" I say and kick her back onto the ground

"S-still the same bailey" she says breathing heavy

"Do we need to?"

"No she can't do anything" I say look at Gerard

"That rude" she says standing up "we use to be such great friends" she says in a weird voice

"I well shoot you Julie" I say

"Not like you haven't before" she says "well ill be back sometime I'm sure, you know how he is, by bailey" she walks off

Gerard looks at me weird "it's a long story"

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