Chapter 33

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Taylor's pov:

"Please come back you can stay here if you want, frank can go get your stuff" Jamia says threw the phone

"I don't want to bug you guys, you already have the girls and your pregnant with another-" she cuts me off

"We would love nothing more than to have you stay here for a while, and I need someone other than two little girls and a child of a husband to talk to" she says and I hear a faint 'HEY!' in the background.

"Okay, I'll pack my stuff and head over now, I don't really have anything.." I laugh "good because franks already got all your other stuff set up in the spar room" she laughs "wow ok ill see you later" I laugh and hang up.

I grab what little stuff I actually had with me and head out to my car. I get in setting my stuff in the passenger seat and turn on the car pulling out of the small hotels parking lot and onto the road.

After about 45 minutes I'm in front of Jamias and franks house. I step out of my car grabbing my small bag along with my dead phone and head up to the door.

I get to knock once before a little girl answers and hugs my legs "BAILEY!! why do you smell funny?" cherry asks then Jamia shows up behind her taking her off me "go play with lily sweetie" she says and then runs off "hey" she says and gives me a quick hug and let's me in.

"Frank just left for a while to get some food but your room is all set up in the up stairs spar bedroom" she says "and your clothes are all cleaned and everything so you can take a shower" she says "ok, thank you" I say and head up.

I walk in and see my charger on my bed. I run over and plug it into the wall by my bed then plug in my phone. I set it down on the side table to let it charge then go over to the closet and see all my cloths hung up nice and tidy. I pick out gray pants and a smashing pumpkins-t along with a new bra and panties.

I walk out of my room and into the bathroom closing the door "I would lock that door the girls aren't the only ones who are forgetful" Jamia says threw the door and I click the door lock.

I turn on the hot water then strip out of my every filthy cloths that I haven't changed for about a week. I get in the shower and let the hot water hit my back and relax my body.

I wash my hair,body, and shave my lags and under arms with a new razor I found under the bathroom sink. when I'm done I step out wrapping a towel around me, I look in the mirror and I look SO much better.

When I get dressed I decided to just let my hair air dry and I walk out going into my room and throwing my dirty cloths in the hamper. I slip on some socks and my gray converse then walk down stairs after putting on a little makeup I found in my bag.

"Hey Jamia I was wonder-" I stop a stair. the one person I never wanted to to see again in my life is standing right in the leaving room.

Gerard looks up at me and I feel my eye start to water so I run back up the steps but I hear another pair following me. I get in my room but before I can close it Gerard stops the door.

"leave me alone!" I yell trying to shove the door shut "please! bailey let me talk to you just for a little! let me explain!" He says pushing the door open completely "what is there to explain!? it was all a lie! a sick fucking game! I know that!" I yell

"yes at first I can say honestly that I did care" he says and some tears fall down my cheeks "but getting to know you made me rethink everything I really loved you bailey and I still do" he says trying to come closer to me it I back away.

"How can you say that! the day the we we're suppose to be married I found you kissing someone I use to work with and then she says that you guys have been together for TWO YEARS!" I yell getting mad "what did you think I was going to do when you came here to explain this to me huh? that I was just going to run back into your arms? no! you hurt me Gerard!" I say then frank and Jamia come up behind him.

"Bailey you really need to let him explain" Jamia says walking over to me, me and her sit down on my bed while Gerard sits in the desk chair and frank by him on the floor.

"For the pass two years I've had to be with Julie" Gerard says "what do you mean had to?" I ask "your boss that's why, he made a deal saying if I dated Julie he wouldn't hurt my mother or bother, so for the pass two years I've had to be with her, but now he's dead and my family's safe but I don't know how to tell Julie that I really don't want to be with her" he says " I really do love you bailey, I never wanted Julie to kiss me that night and I well regret it forever please just know that I'm so sorry" he finishes

"Can you just give me time to think, please?" I ask putting my head in my hands "yea" he says and I hear both the guys get up and leave.

I start to cry and Jamia pulls my head to her chest "I still love him.." I cry

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