Chapter 26

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A/n soo sorry for not updating sooner

"Who was it?" Gerard asks

"Julie.. but something's really wrong" I say looking at the phone confused and worried

"Do we need to go over there?" He asks

"I'm not sure, maybe just me" I say

"Hell no! As soon as he sees you his going to try to put a bullet threw your head!" he says

"He'll do worse to you" I say looking at him "I'll have in an ear pice and keep it on at all times"

"Bailey I-" he try's to protest but I cut him off

"No, Gerard I can do this by self" I say hugging his waist

I sighs wrapping his arms tightly around my shoulders "if I hear one thing I don't like I'm coming over no matter what" he says

"Got it" I say pulling away to get ready

One hour later:

I'm in my car on the way to a house I never really wanted to see again. but Julie I guess is a friend and I want to help her.

I took a short cut that only takes two hours to get there instead of two days like when I first left.

I don't know why Gerard didn't take this way, I guess he didn't know it at the time.

It's so weird how me and him worked out. are we even together? I'm not even sure, I love him and he loves me so I guess we are.

When I snap out of my thoughts I realize I'm in front for my own personal hell.

I grab my gun from under my sit and put it inside my jacket along with my pocket knife tucked in my combat boot.

I get out feeling my nerves start up but with a few deep breaths and A LOT of will power I up the door not caring to knock.

I here a slam and I jump but walk further into the house knowing terrible about to happen.

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