Chapter 17

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we walk in and I'm hit with the smell of smoke, perfume, alcohol and grows men.

I scrunch up my face at that and look around.

"Should we split up to cover more ground?" frank asks

"Yea but keep your ear piece in so I can talk to you if I get something" Gerard says and then frank walks off

"Do you want me to stay with you?" Gerard asks getting my attention

"I think ill be fine... but who am I look for?" I ask

"Look for a man with two gold rings on his middle fingers, and when you see him don't talk to him, hit this button on your ear piece and tell me or frank" he says pointing to the small button

"Ok got it" I say looking around until he puts his hands on my shoulders getting my attention again

"Are you sure you don't want me too-"

"I'm fine" I say then he walks off

I sigh and start to look around. I pass by so many people making out that I feel like puking.

After about almost an hour of looking I try to go to the entrance to get some fresh air but someone stops me.

"Hello" he says and I turn

I look at his hands and see he has to gold rings on his middle fingers.

"I was just going" I say trying to get free

"Are you here alone?" he asks

"N-no I'm here with some friends" I say

"I don't see them" he says tilting he's head

"They went to get drinks, now I need to go" I say and see three men with brands on there necks come up behind him

"You see you caused some trouble a little while ago... and we don't like to be messed with"

My eyes go wide and I get out of his grip and run away.

"Gerard! I found the guy he's with Elijah's brand men! there chancing me-" I get cut off and my ear piece is ripped out of my ear

They drag me outside and that's when everything starts.

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