Chapter 23

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I walk down stairs and go to the coffee maker turning it on.

Tapping my fingers on the counter I smile think of the last couple of days.

I grab a cup from the cabinet but before I can set it down a pair of arms wrap around my waist.

"Gerard" I laugh sitting it down and he turns me around

He kisses me and I laugh into the kiss.

"Morning" he says leaning his head on mine

"Morning, now can I make my coffee?" I ask

He laughs "yes and ill make myself a cup too" he says pulling away and grabbing a cup

I pour us both cups of coffee and we sit down at the table.

"How's your back?" he asks

"Why do you keep asking that? you know it all better" I ask

"Just checking" he says

I smile and look down at my cup.

"I love you" I hear him say

I look up still smile " I love you too"


Sorry for the short chapter!

I have to go do some last minute shopping and then go to a party!

But I hope you like the cute little thing going on between them.

I promise to upload a more exciting one sometime this weekend.

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