Chapter 11

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(Baileys room)

Baileys pov:

My room is amazing!

I stand in the middle of my new room amazed at it.

"Do you like it?" I hear Gerard say

I turn and see him leaning on the door frame.

"How- when-" I stumble

"I always had this room just sitting here, so when your old boss called me to come down, I made this room up for you" he says

"Wait he called you and told you to kill me?" I ask

"I was never going to do it" he says

I look around the room a little more then turn back to him "thanks" I say with a smile

"Your welcome, and tomorrow we'll go shopping for some clothes for you" he says

"I hate shopping" I say sighing

He laughs "I think your the first girl I've met that actually hates shopping" he says

"Yea.. well I guess when you have a job like ours when kinda need new clothes" I say and we laugh

He shakes his head looking down then back up at me "I guess so" he says

It's silent for a moment then a question come to mind "I thought other people lived with you?" I ask

"No, but they stop by sometimes when we do a run together, but I most do them by myself... well until now" he smirks

"Okay, but who said I was going to do "runs" with you" I say

He walks closer to me a invades my bubble "because we work so well together" he whispers in my ear

"If you say so"

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