10 things about me test!

296 15 3

I what tagged by mychemicalusername so go check that person out!

1: your nickname?

Well, some people call my sky or skittles because of my hair soo yea.

2: your eye color?

Hazel! (runs and tackles Gerard)

3: your hair color

Well right now it has like 11 different colors in it but I'm going to dye it back to black.

4: one fact about you

I have literally two big boxes filled with panda stuff, even onesies.

5: favorite color

I don't have one because I don't want to make all the other colors sad.

(Winks at purple)

6: favorite place


7: favorite celebrity

James McAvoy

And bands

8: favorite animal

Did I tell you I have two boxes filled with panda stuff?

9: favorite song

I don't have one because there all to good to pick!

10: favorite book

Right now I'm obsessing over 'lost in your hazel eyes' by MCRpandafreak

20 people???

Umm idk

Ok if your reading this your tagged! now go do it!

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