Chapter 4

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(At the hotel in London)

Baileys pov:

I get out of my car grabbing my bags and walking up to the guy at the front door.

"Hello miss, do you need help with your bags?" he asks

I toss him my key to my car "park it, and if I find anything missing ill be the last thing you see" I threaten

"I'm guess your miss Walker.... go right in side" he says

I walk in checking into my room. I go to the elevator and get in I press the button for the 4th floor.

I finally get to my room and set down my bags.

It's a pretty cool room, one big bed in the middle a bathroom to the right in front of the bed is a tv on the wall and to the left is a balcony.

I look at the time it's almost 7. I decided I should start getting ready, I go to my big suit case and look threw it.

I find and black cocktail dress along with black heels. (Picture of the dress is up there^)

I curl the ends of my hair and then put on some makeup.

I put on eyeliner, I shadow, mascara and my dark red lip stick.

I look at myself and smile "cute" I say

I check the time, it's 7:30. I grab my little purse butting my gun in it and then hiding my pocket knife in my side of my heel.

I walk out of the room locking it. on my way to the elevator I walk pass a group of guys, one of them with white hair.

Wait... white hair?

I shake it off and get into the elevator.

I finally get down to the party floor and its crowded with people playing shot games or poker.

People getting drunk off their asses basically.

I put my purse over my shoulder keeping it close as I make my way around.

I go to the bar and sit down I get my drink and take a sip looking around.

"Hey you there?" I ask turning my ear piece on

"Yes, where are you?" He asks

"I'm at the bar, I don't see-" I stop myself when I see a couple men with brands on their necks at a poker table

I see one guy with a scar going down from his cheek to what I can see his neck.

"Does Elijah have a scar?" I ask

"Yes going down his-"

I cut him off "got it" I set down my drink grabbing my purse and I walk up to the poker table

They are play against four other men. I take out the card as I get closer, I come up behind him putting my hand on his shoulder.

I stick out the card and he takes it "ah I see better later than never" He says

"Elijah" I say

"Miss Walker so nice to finally meet you" he says kissing my hand

"You have a wonderful hotel" I say

"Well I think it just got better" he winks at me and turns back to the table "well boys I think I just a little more lucky" he says

The poker game starts up again and I finally get a good look at who they are playing against.

Gerard, Frank, Mikey if I remember currently.

"Oh how rude of me, miss Walker these men are Gerard way, Frank iero and Mikey Way" Elijah says

We all shake hands "we've meat before" I say a fake smile on my face

After a good half hour of them playing and Elijah getting a little more buzzed I decide its time to start business.

I whisper in his ear "how about we go back to your room" I smirk at him

I puts a arm around my waist "well fellas I'm done, me and miss Walker well be turning in" he says

Before he goes to grab his drink with out him look I slip a pull into it and he drinks it with out knowing.

I look up to see Gerard and frank looking at me weird.

"Have a nice night boys" I wave taking Elijah's arm and walking to the elevator

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