Prologue 3: Maybe too excited

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Kristen Dreaming ^ ^

     "Goodnight," Mom whispered as she closed my door. As soon as I heard the door close shut, I sat up and picked up my laptop. I searched the weirdest things but this by far was the weirdest. My dad. So he left me and my mom, I wanted to make sure I knew him. I went to google and searched his name. Jack Lennons. His name even sounded sincere but like you couldn't trust it. Maybe my father was mysterious. I waited for the server to respond and it did.
Jackson "Jack" Lennons was born in 1970 in NYC, New York. He is best known for is movie, Lovin' you was . . . which he directed and wrote himself.
Spouse: Natalia Whitman (2001-2006)
Children: Unknown

I slapped down the laptop and threw the covers over me. I tried to sleep and forget what I just saw. Is he happy? And I realized I was crying. I should not be worked up about some guy I never knew. He probably doesn't even know I exist. I hate what pressure he put my mom through. Even now, she can't even look at his name without crying or walking away from it. And I guess neither could I. My eyes suddenly close and get to dream.

I open my eyes in my room except I'm not the only thing in it. What is it? Is it a spider? Lion? Alien? With its bright green eyes and hard breath, I almost screamed as I-
    I sit up and try to think but that was only the beginning.

. . .

"So it had green eyes? And it looked like a spider you say?" William said in a British voice as we walked down the same road to school. He always did that when he thought I was lying.
      Yes!" I said. William giggles. "It isn't funny and you know it. Look all I am trying to say is that my dream was something in ordinary. This is the weirdest dream I ever had and it has to mean something." William stepped in front of me and tried to calm me down. I realized I was breathing really hard. Maybe it was because the street was also a hill that elevated more than I thought it would. Or maybe it was because I was thinking of the dream I had. The one where I was sleeping beside something but I did not understand it. Why was it there. It was scary. William did the only thing that would calm me. He held me close. It eventually slowed my breathing and when I could move, I hugged him back. He pulled back.
       "Kris," He said and I nodded. " You know I care about you right?"
       "Then why say such a thing?" I pulled back fast and walked only on the left side of the road. He walked on left side. My arms were crossed and I wasn't looking at him. But I knew he wassup looking at me.
      "Kristen, you know I'm just as worried and scared as you are. Just bc we're best friends doesn't mean that I'm always going to believe you." I glared at him.
       "But I always believed you when you told me stuff. I thought we would always believe each other and trust each other. I thought we – we—," And he of course interrupts.
       "We what?!"
       "I THOUGHT WE LOVED EACH OTHER!" I screamed. I could hear my voice echo. Love each other. Each other. Other. I didn't realize he was close until I looked up. It gave me a fright. William looked so sincere, yet curious.
       "Love each other? What do you mean?"
       "I mean, I love you."
       "But we're only friends."
       "So. You can love your friends even when they don't." I looked at him when I said "they". I swear he started smiling.
      "You think I don't love you?" I shook my head. He stood in front of me and held my shoulders. I looked down but he held my chin and lifted it softly. "Kristen Elizabeth Lennons, I love you. As a friend. Of course." I hugged him for a few minutes. Once I pulled back, William's arm was still on my shoulder and we walked to school. For once I didn't feel scared.
As we made our way inside the building we notice no one in the hallways. Or at the front desk. Or in any of the classrooms. I was feeling kind of weird. I took of my gray beanie.
"Where is everyone?" I looked left and right but there was no trace of humans anywhere. I looked for William. He disappeared too. "William, where are you? William? Where are-" I bumped into something. I turned around and saw William talking to a person with a broom and a dust pan in his hand. Janitor.
"-Oh okay. Thank you for telling me. Bye . . .  Mister." William walked to me.
"What did he say?" I asked on tips of my feet. William held my shoulders firm and didn't smile.
"We don't have school today. Most of the teachers and students have got a virus that's spread. So the principle decided that since it's Thursday and tomorrow is Friday, no school for the rest of the week." I was so happy I couldn't even think. My heart did a backflip as I hugged him. Nothing could ruin my life right now.

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