Chapter 4

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Kristen's POV

For the past few days I mostly hung out with Ally in the dorm room and soon enough we attracted a few more girls. I felt weird because I have never really interacted with other girls at my school but now I had a chance. The first girl to come was Isa. Her hair was blond but it was in two braids. Ally and I were talking in the dorm room until she interrupted.

"Is it okay if I come and sit with you guys?" She seemed kind of sad and hopeless. We nodded cheerfully. I motioned her to come sit with us. Isa was really nice. That was our group for a five days until two other girls came to us.

"Can hang with you guys?" The shorter one asked. She had dark hair but her hair was in a bun. Ally's nod was their cue to come and sit with us. I hope there aren't anymore of them.

"I guess we're a group now," I said. "So let's introduce ourselves. I'm Kris and I kick-box." I looked at Ally. Most of the girls looked impressed.

"It's my turn?" Ally asked me. I nodded. "Well I'm Ally and I work in the volleyball department." We then looked at the next girl. She looked Caribbean. Her hair was brown but with blonde tips. Her hair was in a low ponytail, surprisingly.

"I'm Julie and I work in the baseball and softball section." We all seemed glad that we were all in sports but I think we all wanted to hear something different. The next girl was Isa. She said she was in ammunition which was surprising since she was sweeter than life itself. That was something different.

"Well I'm Jane and I work in creating gear and protection for certain people." She glanced at me. She knew. Of course she knew. I looked at the clock. I sat up quickly which made me dizzy.

"I better go. My coach is waiting." I walked out of the room but I could barely see a thing. My eyes were blurry. I was bumping into walls and people. Yet I kept walking to my workout room. Until i bumping into someone. William. He was holding my hands.

"Are you ok?" He asked. I was about to thank him but then my dizziness went away and I remembered what Ally and I talked about. I took my hands out of his, and walked away without even looking at him. For the first time I wasn't slouching. I raised my chin and smiled because I felt confident. I walked inside my training room and Paul wasn't there. Maybe he's trying to scare me.

"Paul," I yelled looking around the room. I looked in the equipment closet but he wasn't there. I in his office, he still wasn't there. Then I noticed a back door that I never noticed before. I turned the door handle and the door flew open. I saw Paul. His face was in his hands. He was against the back of the wall, knees in his chest. It was as Paul was crying. Trying to forget what he just saw. I just sat beside him and rubbed his hair. It was softer than I imagined, since I made those jokes about him growing bald soon. He looked up and I thought he would push my hand away and tell me to warm up but he just stared at me. I laid my head his shoulder and put my arm around him. I didn't say a word.

"I hate him." I wanted to ask who but it felt too late for it. "He only cares for himself."

"Who?" He sat up and looked at me as if he was about to tell me a secret. Yet he slouched back and said, "Mr. Gardner. I have a girlfriend. Who I barely see anymore and he told me she won't be able to see me for pre-cautious reasons." He looked at me. "Kris, he acts as if she's a bad person. And she isn't. At all. Her personality is uplifting." I couldn't help myself.

"Who is she?" I asked. He looked away as if trying to figure out how to answer my question.

"Figure it out," He said smiling. He stood and walked back inside our workout room. "You figure out who she is and and then I'll finish our conversation." I followed him in the room.

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