Chapter 16

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I shook his hand. Of William has an older brother who I know nothing about! He never really talked about having a brother. Even when we were kids. I can't believe he's kept it a secret for so long. William and Nathan were getting the bags while Christina and I sort of made ourselves at home. The house was way bigger on the inside than the outside. On the outside, the house was dirty white, and two story. The windows were the only clean thing on it. On the inside, it looked so modern. It was mostly white, gold, turquoise and navy. They color scheme was amazing and the furniture was artistic and long. I was kind of excited to live here. Yet I didn't want to tell William. I'm not speaking to him! It's one thing for him not tell me he hates me singing. It's another thing for him to keep a huger secret from me. He better have a good reason.
Suddenly Christina started to pull me around the house.
"Umm," I say. " where are we going?" She didn't answer until she pulled me outside. His backyard.
"To a safe place." I exhale. "What's wrong. You look so miserable. I mean it's William family. Haven't you seen him?" My silence answered her question. "Ohmigod you haven't even met him. But didn't you go to his football games?" I shook my head.
"I played volleyball so I also had games." She nodded but now it made me angrier. How did she know who Nathan is but I've never met him? I am his best friend so this isn't making any sense.
"Christina, I don't want to talk about this right now I mean I'm really confused and angry and-"
"Are you going to ask him about this?" I violently shake my head.
"No way. He has to come to me. I can't force him to answer."
"Well you're going to have to because if you don't and he doesn't either, this will ruin your relationship and trust. Besides he must've not told you for a reason."
"Yeah I mean I'm his favorite girl." Or does he have another one?


After the Nathan showed us our rooms we decided to bunk by gender. Which was fair because there were only two other rooms.
Christina left our room to go to the boy's. I was walking around the beds when there was a knock. I didn't say anything already knowing who it was.
"Kristen?" Immediately I explode with anger. I walk up to him and get in his face.
"What did I do?" I ask.
"What have I done to make me untrustworthy?"
"I really don't get what you're saying."
"How could you not tell me that you had a brother?" He look at me weirdly and sat on Christina's bed. I sat on mine. "You don't know but you did it anyway. William tell me the truth, why did you keep your brother a secret?" I asked calmly. William looked around the room before he spoke.
"Do you remember when Christina's mother died in 7th grade?" I nodded. In 7th grade, Christina's mother had a stroke and died during November. She didn't go to school for two weeks. It was also the time William stopped hanging out with me.
"Well my parents were getting a divorce around the same time but they failed to tell me and Nathan. When everything happened, and they were separated, so we're we." At first I was confused by what he meant by "we" but after a moment of thought, I suddenly felt horrible. William was looking down but I placed my hand on his.
"Is this why you never spoke to me until December?" William stood and walked around the room before he spoke.
"Kristen, I didn't know how to tell you that my parents were separated and my brother wasn't going to live with me anymore. I mean you knew him. You came to my house a billion number of times. And you loved my brother. I'm surprised you don't remember." Suddenly, I remembered going to parties and playing tag with William and Nathan. "Yet I could never bring myself to do it so I felt silence was good for me." I even remember having a small crush on Nathan because he was in 8th grade while I was in 4th. It made sense why I never saw him after Christmas. I am so stupid.
"Are you still mad at me?" He asked. I walked up to him and laced my hand through his.
"No at all," I say. "But I still have some questions."
"Ask away," He said smiling.
"First, why did you introduce me to him if you knew I knew him?"
"I just wanted to show my brother my amazing and beautiful girlfriend. Just a little bragging." I nodded.
"Second, Where has he lived all this time?"
"With my father," He said with a bit of anger but it left before I could question it. "When we started high school, he died and my brother was a senior and he had a scholarship to a College not far from our school so he went there until last year. He then dropped out of his college and went to a community one. He then met his girlfriend and they lived here for almost a year now." I nodded.
"What's her name?"
"Alice." I'm guessing she's a blonde but Alice has question in it. Like the name could belong to anyone. It was so pretty and yet spontaneous I loved it.
"Cool." There was a knock on the door. Christina opened it and said," Lunch?"
"We'll be down there in a second," William said as she nodded and closed the door.
"How long are we staying here?" William smiled.
"As long as ya like." He kissed my forehead and left the room. I have no idea why I didn't remember William's broth- Nathan but I have a bad feeling I'll find out. I felt my stomach growl in hunger. I could smell pancakes and maple syrup from downstairs.
"I think I'm going to like it here."


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