Chapter 7

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(This photo captures everything)^^^^^

"I'm so happy that you are here, Mr. Gregory," Gardner said.

"As am I, sir." Mr. Gregory was delighted when William and I asked him to come back with us. In fact he even had pictures and other objects that we needed. Once Gardner saw them he was blown away and gave them to a guard to take into the labs. Eventually after a few minutes, he kicked Will and I out of his office so he and Mr. Gregory could speak privately. As Will and I walked down the office, Will held my hand.

"I'm glad I got to hang out with you today." I smiled.

"So am I." I felt like that trip connected us back to our friendship that was close. I felt as if the bricks on my shoulders were falling off. "William can I ask you a question?" We were entering the elevator. Which usually scared me because you would never know if you were going up or down (even if you pressed a button).

"Yeah," He said smiling. He pressed the lower level button. The elevator started to move.

"Who is that girl you loved who felt she was nothing?" He stopped smiling and looked down. "Please Will I want to know-"

"Fine you want to know?" He said seeming offended. " Ask Evan. Just tell him that I said you can know. See if I care." He let go of my hand and turned away from me. I sat down in the elevator hurt and confused. I felt wet tears rolling down my cheeks. I wonder why he's so mad. I just asked him a question. Maybe I'm pushing his buttons. I mean I can be a little annoying . . . that's what Paul said. Well I know who I'm talking to after this elevator ride.


"No," Evan said at Lunch. He was writing something in a journal I was sitting alone.

"But he said that you can tell me, not lying." He looked as I asked something stupid.

"I'm sorry Kris but I think you and Will should talk this out." My heart was starting to plummet.

"I tried but he said that I have to ask you." I lowered my head.

"Why do you want to know anyway?" My head popped up.

"I don't know, I'm just . . . asking." He stopped writing and looked at me.

"Well fine. You know how there's no I in team?" I was confused but I nodded.

"Well there's no Kris in team either." I was confused at first but then I realized he was talking about me.

"Wait, you're meaning to tell me that William used to like me?" He nodded.

"Wow. I mean I would have never thought-"

"You must be blind if you didn't realize he liked you. I mean I've only known you for about a month and I still remember the first day here." Suddenly I was more interested in this than training with Christina and Paul right now. "I'm in my room one night and in the lobby the next. William was right beside me and he was shocked yet terrified-"

"Because he wasn't in his home?"

"Because you weren't there. I woke up by him yelling 'Kristen!' Every second. I asked why and he said 'Because she's my everything.'" Suddenly this all made sense. Why whenever I had a crush he would just hate him. Even when I hang out with Jack, I see him glare at us. It scares me but then at the same time, I'm making him jealous. I never knew that. How stupid am I.

"Thank you Evan," I said hugging him and running inside the lobby. I ran into William's Dorm. He was sitting on the floor, reading a book.
"All this time," I said walking in slowly. "It was me." He stood up and walked toward me.

"You really never knew? I thought I was being obvious." I looked at him with sincere.

"I get why you never told me but I bet if you did, we would still be friends. Maybe even more."

"What do you mean?"

"Will I liked you too. And I guess I felt if I told you, it might ruin our friendship."

"I wish we could go back in time and make things right."

"So do I." Our faces were inches apart. I felt our faces coming closer until we heard some people coming down the hallway. We broke apart instantly. Then the noise slowly went down, Will and I averted our eyes away from each other. It wasn't after a moment when he spoke.

"Well I'll see you . . . later." I nodded. I was about to leave out of the room when Will ran in front of me. He closed the door and I don't know how to say this. He kissed me. His arms were around my waist and my arms were around his neck. He pulled away.
The next day, I barely got any sleep. I had a terrible headache but I refused to miss today. So I was walking to lunch when I saw Evan and Isa kissing. I walked faster but then I realized I was running. . .

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