Chapter 1

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Kristen's POV ^^^^^

It was Friday night or Saturday morning I think. But I was was awoken by some snoring. It was loud. I thought it was my broken alarm clock that made a deep alarm but when I opened my eyes I froze. Next to me I saw a huge Black thing that was furry and had huge crooked sticks pointing to the other side. It took up the whole other side of my room. I quietly shuffled out of my bed, put my foot on the carpet and tried not to make noise. My door was closed so I tried to open it but it made a creak. There were two neon green lights glowing. At me. The creature then switched positions and stood up which made move backwards. It moved closer. There was no more room. I fell to the floor. It came to my face. But before it could touch me, my door slammed open. All I could see was a gun that shot more than I could count. The green stopped glowing the creature fell back and through the wall. It cracked open. A man then walked out and opened his hand.

      "Kristen, come with me." I put my hand in his and he pulled me up. He led me out of my room and into my living room. Everything was either crashed, burnt, not where it used to be. "I'm going to hug your stomach." I nodded, speechless and he did. Which made some electronic noises. I was still looking at the room until he aimed his gun at the ceiling and shot. Which created a huge hole. Soon enough we were flying up slowly out of my house. I then noticed my mom on the roof and blood was all around her.  I tried to get out of his hold to jump down to her but he held me tight. I was screaming, tugging, trying to get out but it never helped me. Then soon we were so high up that I only saw clouds. All around me. It became hard to breathe. My head was spinning, my heart rate was up. It felt like I just ran a mile.  We were still flying, somehow, and then we just stopped. Still.

      "Kristen, I know this sounds bad but I'm going to let go of you and you are going to fall. But you won't die. Someone will catch you. And then your new life will begin." I was able to slow my breathing while he spoke. I barely heard him.

      "What?" I asked but I was too late. He already let go of me and I was falling. I closed my eyes, thinking it was dream. But of course it wasn't a dream. I opened my eyes and I wasn't in the clouds anymore. I was now out of the sky. And just falling. I looked down. The ground looked like there were a ton of people. So many were moving around like ants. And then I got closer, Closer, CLOSER until I could see their faces. I started screaming. Until I saw one face that I knew. William. I fell into his arms. I was so scared. He didn't say a word he just held me close. I laid my head on his shoulder. I drifted off to sleep.


       I woke up and I was still in William's arms. I was moving my head around searching to see where I was. Everything that had just happened felt like a blur. Where am I?
       "I think we're underground. It would make sense. If People must be dying, they wouldn't show it to us."
      "What? Why would anyone put us here?"
       "People are dying. And I don't know why." He seemed defeated by that fact but I already knew how they died or at least what was killing them. But i wanted to know if I wasn't the only one who had experienced them.
       "William, how did you get here?" He looked at me with uncertainty but spoke.
       "I don't know honestly. I woke up here. The only person I know who is here is-"
        "Does anyone know where the nearest mall is? I just bought myself a new purse." I know that voice anywhere.

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