Chapter 2

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Kristen's POV ^^^^^^^^

"OH no!" Christina said when she saw my face. "Of course I had to get stuck with the best Soccer player ever. Kristen. And her little boyfriend too. Can this day get any worse!?" Great! The worst person in the world is here! Why won't you just shoot me?! I hate that girl. She never says or does anything nice to me. Why is she here. William read my mind.

"Yeah she's stuck with us too." I looked at him with anger.

"She's the other person from our school?" I asked. He looked like he wish he could do something to stop this. I ruffled his hair. "I can live with it. She won't kill me." We glanced at her again and she was sitting alone with a huge frown on her face. "I think." He smiled. We were still sitting on the concrete and my butt was starting to hurt. I stood up slowly. and so did William.

"Let's find out why were here. I was having the best dream." I smiled as we ran to the same guy who dropped me. William spoke first.

"Excuse me sir," He said sounding very sure of himself. "I was wondering why we're here." The man looked at William like he was bored but then he saw my face and I swear he started smiling. He ignored William offered me his hand.

"Hello, I never introduced myself." The man said shaking my hand then William's. "I am Mr. Gardner. I would like to speak to the three of you in my office." William and I shared a look as we followed Gardner.

"Three?" William asked. I was concerned.

"Christina. I was sure you knew her. She will the third. We will wait for her in the foyer here. I heard she is rather ill. So it may take her some time yes." He then walked into the building. It was taller than it had to be. Ten floors at most. Inside it looked like a hotel, a huge lobby with many couches and elevators. There were people, mostly men running all round. It was crazy. Mr. Gardner sat us on one of the couches.
"I'll be back. I must check on Tina. She should have been here minutes before us. Wait here." Then he ran off and left us at question. Why does he want us? Will we die?

"I don't know about this guy. Should we trust him?" I nodded faster than ever.
"Yes! He's the one who got me here without me dying. William it was so scary by my house. I woke up with a huge u
black fuzzy thing and it was going to eat me but Mr. Gardner shot him. I would have been dead if he hadn't saved me. Do you want that?" I realized that I was staring at him with seriousness and bits of anger in my eyes but he kept a straight face. Before could say anything else, Mr. Gardner came in with Christina handcuffed.
       "It seems your friend is a bit hesitant to talk." William and I glanced at Christina who was trying to get out of her handcuffs. Her bleach blonde hair was moving with her head. Her clothes looked like mine, ripped and threads everywhere. Something was obviously wrong with her. Maybe her family.
"So why are we here?" I asked trying to change the subject. Mr. Gardner smiled at me.
"Well it all started in the 90s. You know where people started to use technology." We nodded. "Well there were some kids who found this type of substance that can change the physical and chemical energy of an animal or insect. They didn't know it was harmful until they tried it on their pets." We all made faces. What type of fools would do something as stupid as that? Of course those kids must have been stupid or pre-teens. Usually they are the crazy ones. "One spider, dog, cat, mouse, snake. Each child thought thy were normal pets yet they were mislead. Those pets turned into black animals called Siasms that are black and have different types eye colors. Kristen and Christina know what I am talking about." I nodded and Christina was frowning. It was as if she were mad at the guy. I barely knew him and he risked his life for mine so he's like Superman. At least for me. "Before the children could've killed these things, the Siasms killed each one of their parents, turning them into orphans. The little orphans didn't know what to do or how to kill them so they let them go. Now the children are separated around the World trying to track each one of their pets but as we know, animals can multiply and multiply and multiply until there are millions of them and you know what happens when deadly things are everywhere. They kill everything else."
"What do you want us to do about it?" William was confused and so was I. I didn't get where Mr. Gardner was going with this. He was grinning so much I thought his head might pop.
"I want you all to destroy them. As a group." I looked at him with shock. I wasn't the only one.
"But we don't know how to stop these things."
        " I have trainers for each of you. And missions that will prepare you. There will even be more people that will add to your team." I was about to argue but he stopped me. "You guys don't exactly have a choice. It's either this or you die of starvation from living no where. Each of you need to be here more than ever. You each make up a special part of this group."
        "Can you give us some time. I think we need to sleep a little more before we start training." William looked exhausted and so did Christina. My brain like it was being shaken a thousand times. I need some sleep. He nodded and stood.
"Alright. But your training begins tomorrow at noon." He walked out of the lobby and pressed an elevator button. He looked at us. You're not coming?" We each got up fast and followed him into the elevator. "I'm taking you to your sleeping chambers." And we were off.

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