Chapter 14

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I woke up in William and Paul's room on the floor beside Paul. I got up and looked at he two beds in front of me. William and Christina were knocked out. I thumped Paul on the forehead twice waking him up, angered. I shushed him. I motioned to Christina as in Wake her up! Paul nodded, understanding and went over to her. Meanwhile I thump William five times until he started pushing me away. His eyes opened and the frown on his face disappeared and there was a whisper of a smile.
"Hi," he said calmly. I snuck a pillow behind my back.
"Hey," I said, smacking a pillow in his face. He gasped and then got up, grabbing my waist. I was laughing so hard but when he let go of me, Paul and Christina were sitting on a bed. We sat on the bed next to them.
"It's seven," Paul said. "All of us need to be in #2 mission attire in our suitcases. Meet back here at 7:45 people so we can discuss the rest of how the night is suppose to go." Christina and I ran back to our rooms to go change. After rummaging through my suitcase, I found some clothes that were labeled #2 M. It had black jeans, black sneakers and a Burgundy Pull-over. I went to look in the mirror for mascara when I noticed my hair color. It was hazel. I felt like screaming but I knew I couldn't. As soon as Christina was finished changing, we left out the the room and went to Paul and William's hotel room. Paul lead the way out of the hotel and into the car. The mission began.


"Okay, Kristen and Christina will search for the kid who had the snake. William and I will be a distraction for the people at the party. You too will wait in the car while William and I enter first. Is everyone clear on the mission guidelines?"
"Yep," William says.
Christina goes," Uh-huh."
I say,"Yeah-huh."
Paul stops the car at an old building. It was red brick and it only had five floors. It had graffiti all over it. There were police and ambulance sirens all around us. There was not a parking lot so we had to park in the back of the building, where the trash is. It was so disgusting. Christina started to sneeze. I felt a hand on my own. I looked beside me to find William's light green eyes.
"Stay safe," He says. "and make sure you are not seen." I'm nodding the whole time while William opens the car door. He walks out but then he comes back and hugs me. He kisses my forehead and then leaves. Christina turns around in her passenger seat and smiles.
"Ready?" She askes. Honestly I'm terrified and scared but I know this will help every person in Colorado who is still alive. Maybe after the we find them all, we can return to Isa and Evan. And then Gardner can stop whoever is creating this. And our lives can go back to normal. Or will it? I mean my mom is now dead so it's not like I can live on my own. And Will I live with William?
"Let's go." We hustle out of the car. I follow Christina to the door. She looks up at the windows. She tells me to hold her bag, as she pulls out a Huge hook and throws it up. It hits a window, but hooks into it. I then noticed a thick string attached to it. Christina pulls it, making sure it's tight then begins to climb the wall. My eyes go big, as she keeps climbing. She turns to me.
"Are you coming?" I was scared as hell but hey YOLO! I grab the rope and start to climb the wall. I look up and Christina's climbing into the window. As soon as I'm face to face with the window, I climb through it. I look around.
The room is so huge. It's so dark the window is its only light. The room has a few pictures on the wall. But they were slanted. I noticed a lamp on the ground but the lightbulb was shattered. I noticed black and white records all around the lamp. I kept walking to the side then there it was. A body under a ton of newspaper. I was about to scream but Christina put her hand over my mouth. Then I felt something circular on the side of my head. Wait . . . A gun. My eyes went big.
"Don't scream or I'll shoot you." That for sure wasn't Christina. I bit it's hand and kicked him behind me. Then I turned around and started punching them in the head. Once I knew he was almost out of breath, I took off the mask. It was Jack. He looked shocked. I was angered. I took out my gun in my pocket and aimed it at him.
"Why are you here?" I asked. Jack took in a breath before he spoke.
"You need to get out of here." He was wincing a lot. "It-it's a tr-trap. They are go-gonna k-kill you and-" I shot him twice. I looked around for Christina, and she was right behind me. I dropped my gun. She sitting in a chair, hands and feet tied up. Something in her mouth. Bits of blood on her arms and legs. I untied her and took the thing out of her mouth.
"What happened?" I asked. Christina stood and walked around.
"He got a hold of me, tied me up. And god it hurts like hell."
"Is there any cut that was bleeding a lot?" She shakes her head.
"Nothing major, I just need to be cleaned." She started to rub her forehead. Then she took out her gun and walked to the window. She looked and sucked her teeth.
"Great," She said shaking her head angrily.
"What?" I asked coming to her.
"The rope it's gone." She paused, and reached for the inside of her boot. She took out two pairs of gloves. She gave me a pair. They sure didn't look like gloves. More like those gel things you put in your shoes.
"Umm Christina," I said furrowing my eyebrows. "What are these-"
"Kristen you need to hurry up before-" There were shots downstairs. It scared me so much that I put them on and jumped out of the window. Of course I didn't think of what would happen after I jumped. I tried not to scream while I was falling I closed my eyes. This is the end. Well at least I'll be with my mom and my dad. At least I'll die hap-
"Kristen!" Someone whispered in my ear. I'd recognize this voice anywhere, yet I still kept my eyes closed. 
"William?" I asked scared. I opened my eyes. He was smiling and kissing my head.
"What were you thinking?"
"Correction. What wasn't I thinking." He smiled and put me down. He wrapped his arms around me. I did the same.
"What happened up there?" He asked pulling away from me, yet still holding my hand.
"Jack tried to kill us."
"He what?" Paul asked unbelievably as help Christina off the wall and held her.
"Jack tied me up and he aimed a gun at Kristen's head." I felt William's grip get tighter on my hand. "But Kristen, killed him after he . . ." Christina pulled away from Paul and walked up to me.
"Kristen," She said in question. "What did he say to you?" I look at them scarcely.
"Umm," I say trying to stall. "That we need to get out of here or they'll kill us." William let go of my hand and stood in front of me.
"Who is-" William couldn't finish his sentence. Because there was a huge boom that from the inside of the building. We were all looking at the building.
"They." Paul said. "This wasn't a mission, it was a setup. They're Looking for us."

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