Chapter 12

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Christina woke up at 2 pm. She wasn't almost dead, she was sleeping. Paul really misunderstood the nurse. She fine just super tired. After that thing with Jack, Will and I really got to catch up with each other. I felt like everything was back to the way it originally was. I missed my best friend. And I guess so did he. By 6:30 we were suppose to be picked up. It was 5:50 right now. I was with Christina in the bathroom in our dorm, waiting for William to walk with us to the courtyard. As usual, Christina was doing her makeup but . . . so was I. For some reason, I felt less confident. They dressed us differently. Christina and I were wearing clothing that made us look like summer models. We were both wearing bright colored rompers I felt more prettier than I ever have.

"So," Christina says breaking our silence. "You and Jack?" I stopped putting on my mascara.

"History," I say continuing with my makeup. "Don't ask." I hear her shriek. I look at her.

"Sorry I just I knew you and Will would always be togeth-"

"We're not together. He never asked me out." Christina puts down everything in her hands. She was over to me. She puts her hands on my shoulders.

"Why can't you ask him?" She asks with a hoping yet confident look. I look at her crazy.

"I can't," I say walking around the bathroom. "Because . . . "

"Because," Christina says looking at me for an answer. "Because you're scared. Because you think he might say no. Because you think he isn't ready for a girlfriend, even though he's the only guy who might die for you? Because boys are suppose to do it and not girls." I was brought back with these points. Because its what I was exactly thinking. "Kristen, don't be afraid to do try new things. Make a change, or your life will always be the same. So when Will comes-"

"What about me?" He says standing in the doorway. Suddenly my stomach starts to feel weird. Christina glances at me. There was silence, until William spoke. "Christina, Paul's in the hallway waiting for you." She nods as she leaves. She looks back at me and winks. As she exits, William walks up to me. He holds out his hand. William's looking at me which makes me look down, overcome by his stare. I couldn't help but think of our relationship. I wanted to ask him so many questions but I didn't. I look at him with a straight face and put my hand in his. He starts to smile and so do I.

"Let's do this." I pull him out of the room and run, laughing. As soon as we're in the courtyard, its like there's only us. He spins me around and then it starts to pour. We dance to the beat of the rain. It felt amazing. And then my arms were around his neck and his arms were around my waist. It was as if time stopped and it was just me and him. I smiled at him. He smiled at me. I then rest my head in his chest. "William?" He rest his chin on my head.


"Have you ever seen a heart up close?" He pulls back, giving me a strange look. Then shakes his head. I pull him to the ground and sit very close to him. He puts his arm around my shoulders.

"No," He says. "Why?" I look at him.

"Because here's mine. William, I've liked you for a very long time. Even when I dated Jack. Even before all of this stuff happened," I say, tears starting to fall down my cheeks. Will brushes it off. He leaves his hand there.

"I should have told you sooner." I smile.

"Same." He smiles. And then the ran stops. We both stand up. "So?"

"So?" He says pulling me close. "Are you and me . . . a we?"

"We," I say, kissing him. He kisses me back and we stay that way. Soon enough I hear people shouting around us. We both pull back smiling. Christina's face made me laugh so hard. William was still holding my hands once I pulled back, I was pulled back into his arms. Paul and Christina screaming and laughing. William and I pulled apart as we hugged our friends. I hugged Paul first. He ruffled my hair.

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