Prologue: Player Hater

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"Come on Kristen! Guard the goal like it's your baby!" Coach Denton yelled. I was always the goalie because everyone knew that I loved to play goalie. I Bent down and opened my arms because I have a killer that tells opposing players You want a piece of me, them come and get it!
"Alright girls!" Coach said. "This game is simple. Kristen is the Goalie and the different team needs to get that soccer ball in the that goal. Everyone on Kristen's side needs to protect her. Get it. Got it. Good!" Everyone got in their ready positions.
"Ready!" Get down. "Set." Open arms. "Go!" Killer Face. And that was the start of the game. Every girl on my side was blocking everyone successfully until the meanest girl had the ball. My "killer face" left me and my scared face appeared. I heard Christina giggle and she was 2 feet away from me. I was freaking out. And forgot what I taught myself. Uh get down. Look at the sky. Wait what? But it was too late. She looked at me and smiled and she kicked the ball. That was all I could remember. The rest was a trip to the nurse's office.
. . .

After the nurse gave me an ice pack, I walked to the girls' locker room angry. Why does Christina Scott mess with me? Why not Sarah Jean? Why me? I never mess with her. Only on April fools. When she truly deserves it. I took out my pony tail and brushed my long blonde hair. I took off my tennis shoes and soccer uniform, and put on my favorite sweater and leggings. I slipped on my converse and headed out of school. This was going to be a long night

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