Chapter 11

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So the next day I woke up in my bunk for the first time in forever and the scariest part is that Christina was sleeping next to me. I look around, Almost everyone I knew was here. Jack, Zack, Evan, Paul, Ally, Jane, Luke, Isa, and Will were here. We all had on our uniforms yesterday. I tried to remember what happened. So Christina and I are talking and we walk into our room and . . . I can't remember. But . . . why was everyone here? I then felt a hand on my back, I turned swiftly at it. It was Christina and she of course was wide awake.

"Hey," She said waving. I waved back confused. She then started to play with my hair. "Your hair is so soft," She said giggling. I looked at her with disbelief.

"Christina," I asked. "What happened last night? We were crying and now you're acting as if you . . . aren't you." She grabbed my face and pulled it towards mine.

"You have a huge nose." She begins to touch it but I stop her.

"I've got to get a doctor." I get up and grab her hand so she's right behind me. I walk around, trying to find Paul. Once I did, he looked so peaceful that I didn't want to wake him. I turned to Christina and she was already asleep, standing there. I looked at the clock. It was 5:14. I laid her down by her boyfriend and she seemed to fit right in his arms. I quickly walked to my bed and climbed in.  That felt much better.


I woke up by a tug on my shoulder. I opened my eyes and I was suddenly frighten. Everyone's eyes were on mine. I looked around them as I got out of bed. I tried walking but everyone started following me. I then looked amongst them and realize that didn't look normal. their clothes were ripped, and they were their skin was getting darker. Like something was burning them but them but was fast. I walked to Jack and looked at him. His eyes were no longer blue. It was changing colors furiously. I looked around them and the lights started to flicker slowly. First it was dark. Then the light came on. Christina and Paul were dead. The light goes off and there are piercing screams. The light comes back on and then Everyone else is on the floor with a knife in their chest. There's only Will left. He's walking weirdly towards me. I run out of my dorm and into the hallway. I turn back and he's just chasing me. I turn to run but there's a wall. Will's walking toward me and it sounds like he's breathing hard. Then he falls. But then he's saying something. Something I can't understand. I walk closer and it gets louder. It sounds like he's saying Mel and I know that isn't right. I walk closer and look at him. His eyes are closed. I can barely see him in the dim lit room. I grab my phone out of my pocket. Turn on the flashlight. I start with his head and go down. Nothing until I get to his chest. There's a knife in it and bloods streaming from it. I start to cry. I never knew Will and I had such a short time together.

"Oh William," I say patting his hair. A hand grabs mine. William's eyes open wide and he says Mel again and again. Then he moves his hand to my mouth. He puts one finger on it. I think he's trying to quiet me. I nodded. Then he moves his hand to his chest and say mel again. I try to understand. Wounds, Mel . . . Mel . . . Oh what rhymes with Mel? Bel? Cel? Del?Fel?Hel? Oh! Help! I then pull the knife out of his chest. I look around for something to stop the wound. I then note that I'm wearing a large white cloth around my leg from getting a scar from tripping down the stairs. I take it off and tie it around him  tight. He then begins to breathe.

"Thank . . you," He says as I hold his face. "Kristen, you've got to get out of . . . here. It's . . not safe." I get up to find a water fountain. As soon as I put some water in my hands, drop it all over him so it can be clean. "He's going to find you and he will kill you. I don't want you to die. Get out of here while you still-" I open my eyes and I'm in bed. I look at the clock. It was 7:20. I really need to get some sleep. I turn over and close my eyes.


It was about 11:30 when I woke up. I was the only person in our dorm. I got dressed and walking into the hallway. There was no one there. Then I walk into the lobby and hear people talking. But not outside. I walk out of the building and see everyone at a table. Then Evan glances at me and motions me to sit with him. Oddly enough he was sitting with people I've never met.

"What happened yesterday?" I asked him.

"Last night, someone in your dorm was hosting a party and it was crazy," Evan says. "Isa and I didn't longer than five minutes. I heard the craziest things happened. A lot of people brought sodas and food and people got sick and threw up all over the hallway. Paul and William weren't at the party but Isa saw them walking on the G floor. I heard you passed out. Christina suffered a bad concussion." I get up.

"She's probably in the-"

"Boys dorm, 4th floor. Paul's dorm."  I looked at him with pleading eyes.

"Go," He says. I walk towards the building. "Come back okay?" I nod as I run inside the building. I press the elevator but it its taking for ever. I turn around and see a door that says SECRET STAIRCASE. I walk to it and look around to make sure no one is around. I open the door and run up three cases of stairs. I open the 4th FLOOR door and there stood a dark hallway. I walked around. There weren't as many doors as I thought. I looked up and saw a bright light, many feet away. I begin to walk down the hallway. I look around and see parts of the wall are ruined. People vandalized some parts and others were darker. Like different colors. I sped up my walking. I was looking around and saw a picture, it looked oddly familiar. I didn't walk closer to it because that wouldn't help. I was walking slowly trying to examine and walk to the light. The picture had writing on it. I looked closer at it but- someone bumped into me.

"Watch where you're-," I couldn't see the person in the dark. Yet he could see me. Suddenly a brighter light appeared in my face. "Kris?" I nodded. The bright light suddenly disappeared. I closed my eyes once I felt someone holding my arm and pulling me towards the fa bright light. I opened my eyes and there sat Christina in a hospital bed. She had bandages wrapped around her head. I tried to not cry. I only wanted to run away. As I turned around, Jack was there. I never wanted to hug him so much. I weeped into his chest but he wasn't hugging me. In fact pushed me out into the hallway.
"Why'd you lie to me?" He asks right in my face. "Huh? WHY?" He walk in angered circles but then he came back. "KRISTEN YOU LISTEN TO ME, I DONT CARE IF MR GARDENER THREATENED YOUR LIFE-" and he put his back, to slap me. I could not believe my boyfriend was an abuser. I should have known he had issues or anger- BOOM!! I open my eyes and Jack is on the floor. His face red. He looked like he was about to cry. I look to my right, William standing there with his fist drawn aback like he was about to punch someone. He then shook his hand off.
"Ouch!" He said but then he glanced at me. He walked to me and wiped my cheeks. When  you're scared you can barely notice tears on your face.
"You okay?" Before I can think, I wrap my arms around him, weeping in his chest.
"Thank you." I felt his strong arms around my waist. He's stroked my hair. I felt so safe and proud. My best friend just - Best friend. A title that was truly earned. I pulled away.

"Jack is someone who I knew wasn't the right guy for you. It's why I never talked to you. I didn't want you to think that I hated him just because you were with him. I knew this would happen. I wish I could have stopped him sooner." He looked down defeated but I cupped his face.
"William, you're more of a man than Jack will ever be. You basically saved my life. How could I be any disappointed?" He looks at me and hugs me. I hug him back. Once he pulls back, we walk down the hallway to the stairs, catching up with each other.

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