Chapter 3

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       I felt a tug on my shoulder. I ignored it and turned over. The tug can again but it was harder. I woke up and saw Christina. My eyes went huge.
      "Wake up Kris. That's your name for now. Mine is Tina. Our training begins in an hour. We meet our trainers today." I stayed where I was and Christina started to pull my covers off my body. "GET UP, KRIS! When I say an hour, I mean get ready and meet me on the third floor." I groaned and got out of my bed. My clothes didn't feel like my pjs. I looked down and I had on military green sweats and a matching shirt. Trendy! I saw some black combat boots by my bunk and put them on. After that I searched for the bathrooms.
       "Tina! Where are the bathrooms. I can't brush my teeth without water." I realized that my bunk had another bunk above it. Christina's crystal blonde hair popped out from the ceiling.              
       "Just out this room and the third door to our right." Her hair then vanished and I did just that. I walked out of our room and went to the third room on my right. The door had a sign that said BATHROOM on it. I opened it and there were sinks and stalls and showers being used. Yet only girls were in here. I went to the nearest sink and toothpaste and a toothbrush was already there. I looked around at other people and smiled. None of them smiled. Most girls frowned. Which turned mine into a frown. After I finished cleaning my face, I went back to the room where Christina and I slept. When I walked in, Christina was walking around. She seemed anxious. I tried to start off a conversation.
"Those people so nice in the bathroom. Especially when they frown." I stood still and looked at her. "What are you doing?" She sighed and sat on my bunk.
"I'm so scared and stressed about training. I mean I've played so many sports but this isn't even a sport. This is our new lives. I'm not popular anymore and you and William are the only people I know. To top it all off we will have to kill those things. And these aren't even cute outfits." I sat

"Maybe we will never get our old lives back but that doesn't mean you won't be popular here or make new friends. Just make sure you're you," I said as she nodded. Before she could say anything else William walked in. He was wearing the same thing as us. His brown hair was up. He looked older.
"Am I disturbing you guys." I stood and walked over to him, shaking my head. Christina followed.
"William, we all have new names." His eyebrows went up like "Seriously!?"
"Yeah," Christina said. "I'm Tina and she's Kris. I hate Tina." William chuckled.
"Of course you-" A guard interrupted him.
"Are you Kris, Tina, and Will?" We nodded and looked at Will. He kept a look at the guard and then so did we. "Follow me." We followed him into a room.
"Tina Scott, this is your training room. Your trainer will be here in a few minutes." We left her in there and went to the room next door. The guard instantly pushed Will in. He then shut the door behind him. Then we went into the next room and he opened it. "Kris Lennons this will be your training room. I will be your trainer. My name is Paul. Mr. Gardner wants me to teach you how to box and kick box. So you will be prepared for your upcoming missions with Tina and Will. Here are some boxing outfits people your age wear." He was holding some basketball shorts and other stuff I could barely see. He threw them at me and walked out of the room.
"Change quickly. And do some push-ups after you change." I quickly changed into my new clothes and looked around for something to do. I saw a pair of boxing gloves but I decided to warm up and stretch. So I ran around the tiny room about ten times, did 25 push-ups and 40 crunches, and 1 minute of plank. I felt warmed up so I did the smartest thing. I put on the pair of boxing gloves and started punch a punching bag. It was my favorite color, red. I put my hands in punching position but before I could punch, Paul walked in.
       "Are you ready?" I nodded and kept a calm face. "Let's start." I didn't know that boxing involved thinking or cold showers or had more than just punching a person. Huh, this is going to be a long day.


    Lunch was just like school. The rush to get terrible food (except the food wasn't so terrible) and to try to get a seat with your friends so you couldn't miss the latest gossip. After morning practice, I ran outside which is where Paul told me to go. Sure enough there were round tables, a line full of people and food. I sat at a table with William and other guys.

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