Chapter 6

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    Today was the day. The day everyone including me was preparing for. This is the plan:
Mission Location: Jackson's BBQ
Mission parts:
Nate Anderson - Will
Lanie Wilson - Kris
Cameron Allan - Tina
George Michael - Paul
Mission: Figure out who knows about the Siasms and whose making them.

    Honestly, I didn't know Paul was going with us until Christina told me which barely made any sense at all. Yet then I realized that it maybe had to do that he was the oldest out of the four of us and he was Christina's boyfriend. I wish Jack was going but he was training to be a guard soon.
    Christina and I were working on our appearances since we had to change ours. Christina's hair was already cut for her. Instead of crystal blonde, she had dark brown hair with ombré. It actually looked great on her. Her skin wasn't pale as it use to be.
Me on the other hand was suppose to look the same. In fact they did nothing to my hair at all. I mostly just got gloves since it was cold. Our outfits were mostly focused on casual than what was cute. Christina hated that but eventually liked what we were wearing. It was Preppy. A type of fashion for older women but now everyone was wearing it. Yet casual. So we looked like everyone else. Christina was doing her nails while I sat and reread our mission paper again.
"I seriously can't believe we're going on a mission. Me. The girly girl. The popular girl. Who swore never to get her hands dirty. No I'm the girl who everyone likes to question when they see me. Or wonder who I really am."
"I can. If you could kick a soccer ball that knocked me out, I'd know that everyone would fear you. Even Paul." She giggled when I said his name.
"You know I saw what Jack did for your first date last week. He really is a keeper."
I smiled looking down at my hands. "What about William?" My eyes went huge.
"What about William?" She put down her nail polish and looked at me.
"DO you guys still like each other?"
"If I'm dating Jack, I don't think I would like Will. We were only friends."
"Oh," She said going back to her nails. "I thought you two had a thing."

We heard a knock on our dorm door.

"Come in." I think it was Paul who came in. I guess he also had to dress casual. Christina dropped her nail polish and ran out of the bathroom to hug him. I followed her.

"Aw!" I said smiling. It made me think of Jack. I wish he could be here. After five minutes of them having their romantic moment, I was getting bored.

"Paul did you have to tell us something?" I said annoyed.
"Oh yeah," He said. "It's time. We have to head into the courtyard and fast." Christina and Paul left without hesitation. When they were out of the room, I called "I'll just walk by myself." I went back into the bathroom to grab my coat but when I came out I almost died. Jack was there with his guard uniform. I smiled and giggled.

"Did you really think I would let you go without saying goodbye?" He said smiling. I walked towards him slowly.


"Hi." We were so close that I could feel his breath.It smelled like mint. Fresh-mint. His arms were around my waist. I put mine around his neck. I giggled and so did he. Then he made a serious face.

"Don't hurt yourself okay?" I made a face.
"Don't worry, I'll be fine. Plus I know self-defense." I got into a stance which made him laugh. But then he stopped and looked at me with worry in his eyes. He kissed my head and we started to walk out of the room.
"I will take many pictures so you can laugh." He chuckled.

"I'll miss that. Your jokes."

"I'll only be gone for the evening. I'll be back at 7."
"But that mean's 6 hours I won't see you. It's going to be oddly quiet." We stopped at the double doors. "Well goodbye." We kissed slowly. I pulled away and ruffled his hair. He laughed and walked away. I smiled and walked outside.
"There you are." Paul said annoyed. "Gardner will be here in a few minutes so you can chill out until he gets-"
"Wow!" Gardner said smiling a huge smile. He was standing in the doorway with his hands in his pockets. "You guys ready?" We all nodded. "There should be a car coming to pick you guys up. You guys know your characters?" Everyone nodded again. "Paul make sure nothing violent happens. If it does, you guys run to the car. We have everything set up. Now get into characters,"- Will slipped his arm around me. We smiled at each other. "I have to go but the car should be here any second. Bye!" We waved goodbye to him as he disappeared deeper in the room.
    Behind us a huge black car (not a limo) rolled up. It stopped suddenly and a man popped out. I guess, by the look of his outfit, he was our driver. He opened each door. Then scrambled back to his seat. There were three rows of the car and each had 2 seats. Paul and Christina took the second row. Will and I had the third. As we were settled, the man started to drive and we began to chat.

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