Chapter 10

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After the last mission I forgot about how many people had died in Denver. By the looks of Mr. Gardner, I guess it's gotten worse.
"Because things are getting worse," The man says. "you're going on another mission."
"What!?" Christina and William  had said in unison. This is making my head hurt. Like terribly.

"This can't happen, Paul and I had plans," Christina said hurt.

"Kristen's injury needs to heal!" Will says not making any contact. Such a gentleman.

"Can you two stop screaming!" Gardner whispered aggressively. "Remember we're still in a hospital room with a bunch of people out in the hallway." Christina sat beside me on my bed. Will and Gardner took seats in front of my bed. "Look I know this is sudden but if you don't go on this mission, everyone will die." I looked at the floor, loss for words. "I already know you are all going to do this but you're going to make some sacrifices." I felt a hand in mine. I glanced at Christina.

"Once Kristen is healed completely," Gardner says glaring at William. "We will discuss more. Meaning before Friday, because that is when you leave. And today is what? Tuesday?" They left me alone in confusion of the mission and pain from everything that has just happened. 


The next day my head felt much better and it turns out I had a minor concussion. Nothing lethal. I was checked out early in the morning as in seven. I was so tired that as soon as I opened my dorm, I didn't even get into my bunk. I slept right o the floor. Carpet soft floor. I woke at about Eleven by Isa and Christina. Apparently I snore. After I got dressed, I spent the whole day with Jack. Since I won't see him for the next few weeks, and today is my last day, then I'm spending my day with him. He is my boyfriend. We went everywhere. Our dorms, my practice area, the courtyard and the lobby. It was starting to get boring because we were running out of things to do together, so Jack invited Isa, Evan, Christina and Paul. We were all siting in the courtyard. Evan, Jack, and Paul made fire and we all began talking. We were having a huge discussion on who we all were before the attack.

"I was a mean girl," Christina said. I was looking around when I felt her eyes were on me. "Kristen, I know I keep saying this but I am so sorry for the way I treated you. You are actually one of my best friends." I smile and say, "Its okay, really." I look around and everyones shocked. Except Paul. I guess no one knew we went to the same school for years and years. The only other person who knew this is William and right now I wish he were here.

" "I was apart of a mean clique but I wasn't the leader. More of the person who just gets bossed around. I couldn't stand her." Evan put his arm around her and they both shared a sad smile.

"But now you're here," Evan says. "And it couldn't be any better."

"I was a jock," Jack said laughing. "but I never dated anyone. None of the girls were right for me." I ruffle his hair and he rests his head on my shoulder. "Except you," He whispers. Jack and I were perfectly made for each other.

"I wasn't a nice guy," Paul said. I realized.  "But when I came here I stopped thinking about myself and started thinking about others."

"We'll miss you guys," Christina said.  There was a mist of silence.

"What do you mean?" Isa said, looking as confused as everyone else.

"And what do you mean we?" Evan asked looking at Christina. Christina had huge tears welling up in her eyes. She wiped her eyes.

"Thursday night will be the last night you'll see me, Will and Kris. We were assigned a huge mission that will take a month or maybe even longer to finish." Tears started to fall down her cheeks. I felt something warm on my face. I wiped it and there were tears. "We tried to beg him but he said he already booked our hotels and meetings and areas." She looked at Paul but he walked into the building. Soon enough there was a bang and screaming. Paul and Christina were a couple. Yet without her, he breaks and falls. Together they rise. But without each other, they cripple. He cripples. Christina buries her head in her hands as she weeps even more. Jack kisses my head as he whispers, "I'm gonna go check on him." He nods to Evan as he leaves. I put my head in my hands. I should have told him. Jack is probably mad at me too. He just won't say how he feels. I look up and so does Christina. We stare at each other until we get up and run into each other's arms. We fell to our knees. I pat Christina's hair and she weeps even more. I pull back and wipe her eyes.

"You're going to be okay," I say. "And so is he. He isn't mad at you," She looks at me like I'm lying. "Well you know how you would feel if he had to leave unexpectedly. Just give him time." She smiles and puts her hands on my shoulders and we sit on the ground. As we looked around everyone else was gone.

"It's sad how you think that it's so easy," Christina said tears falling down her cheeks. "Paul isn't a regular guy. He's just like me. When my father died I didn't go to school for two weeks in 7th grade. When my mother died I lived with my Grandparents for half of sophomore year. When my brother died, I was kidnapped against my will and brought here. If I leave Paul, it's like I'm abandoning him, on purpose."

"But its not, Christina," I say reaching for her hand. "and it will take some time but soon Paul is going to get used to you not being here. It just shows you how much a guy seriously cares for you. I know that he is your only protector now but you have me, and all of our friends. We are all here for you." Christina gets up and walks around the fire.

"Yeah but after tomorrow, it will just be you, me and William," She says bending down to look at the fire. "How is he by the way?" I look down, trying to think of a way to answer.

"Well," I say walking towards to the entrance of the building. Christina runs to me, joining. "We haven't spoken. At all." Christina mopes.

"Aw," She says hopelessly. "I was hoping you would make up already."

"Well with al the stress I'm guessing he's just wants to be alone."

"Or," She says pausing as we stop infant of our dorms. Then she glances at me and gives me a look. "Never mind." She giggles. My eyebrow raises. We open our dorm door and BOOM! People everywhere, balloons everywhere, lights flickering, music jamming. Suddenly everything black.

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