Chapter 9

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     I was asleep until I felt a hand on mine. I opened my eyes and there sat four people. Isa was asleep, her head on Evan's shoulder. Evan was also a sleeping and snoring. I chuckled. Then I saw Christina and Paul, his arm around her as they were asleep too. I smiled knowing that people actually cared about me. At first I thought Will was my only-
     Will. To scared to see me because he thinks it's his fault. All of a sudden my thoughts came back to me and I felt pain just remembering it. I was punched. Twice. At the same time. By two different people. Who now have feelings for me. Or at least one of them does. I mean it would only make sense if-
      "Kris?" Someone asked. I turn to the voice. It was Christina and she didn't seem happy to see me. "Dude what happened?" As I explained the problem, she made a face as if she already knew this would happen. "I knew he liked you. I could see it."
      "What do you mean?" Since she couldn't move her head (that would wake Paul), she slowly changed positions as if she were sleeping.
      "Well I mean when I was mean to you, in the corner of my eye Will would be mouthing things like leave her alone or stop or go away. Then whenever you had a boyfriend he was always in the shadows. Either mad or upset that the boy whose arm was around you wasn't him. Then one day I found the piece of paper. It was a love letter and it was beautiful. It had no name or who it was for but over the years I could see it was his way of saying he loved you. Yet you never knew." She gave me a sad smile.
"Just imagine what you're life would be like if he told you a long time ago." She then shakes her head slowly. Then I shake mine. It hurts so much I yelp. Everyone else's eyes open wide and they shift positions.
"Christina," Paul said yawning. " why didn't you wake me up?" Then she parts his head.
"You looked so peaceful. I just didn't want to."
"Kris what happened?" Isa asked worried.
"My best friend and my boyfriend were about to kill each other and then I got in the middle of them." They all looked down, ashamed for me.
"We understand," Evan said looking at my eyes. "And if you need anything, just ask. Because we're here for you." We shared a smile.
Isa got up and walked around the bed. She then laid beside me I turned to face her. It was then that I realized that Isa and Evan were like close cousins. Paul and Christina were like the siblings I've always wanted.
"Promise me you won't get between a fight. Literally," Isa said smiling. I giggled.
"Promise." We both started to laugh until We heard a knock. Christina ran to my door and opened it. Her smile disappeared. She backed away and Jack came in.
"I need to speak to Kris. Alone." Everyone stood up and left. Christina smiled at me. Paul rolled his eyes but he then laughed as he exited the room. Evan smiled at me and Isa winked. That made me chuckle. Once the door closed, Jack kneeled at my bedside. "Kristen, I am so sorry. I should have calmed down but I-"
       "It's okay. It's my fault-"
"No it's not!" He yelled. I laid back scared. He inhaled deeply." Look. Will shouldn't have kissed you. I was mad at the thought of him doing more than just hugging you. My emotions got the best of me. And I was a jerk. To Will. To you." I laced my hand though his.
       "Jack you know how I feel about you. And I want you to know that what happened between Will and I was just closed feelings that finally opened. And-" I paused trying to make sure this was the right thing to say. "you can ask me anything about our friendship." He nodded looking down at our hands. He held mine tighter. I guess he never wants me to let go.
         "Well I have one question-"
         "Yes?" His eyes went from soft to accusing.
         "Did you like him? At all?" That was a question I'd never thought I'd have to answer. Here goes nothing. I looked him in his eyes.
         "I did but that was before he said rude things to me and blew me off." This brought me back to that time when Will told me to go eat somewhere else and not with him. Which hurt my feelings and made our friendship complicated/distant. Jack nodded. He took his hand away and put it around me. I leaned into him.
       "I hope you know that I don't hate you. I care about you and I was just asking." Mi looked at him and he looked at me. I felt our relationship would change. . . for the better. I didn't want to stop hanging out him or hug him. He was basically my best friend. In a husband type of way. I laid my head on his shoulder. Sometimes I wondered why our lives were like this but now I hope our lives will be like this forever. We stayed like this until morning. I woke up to Jack's hands in my hair. I smiled and opened my eyes. We faced each other and kissed. Nothing could ruin this-
"Miss Lennons?" I broke the kiss and looked at the door. It was Gardner and he gave me a sad look. "We need to talk."

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