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I want to thank my fabulous followers and readers who have loved, commented and followed me and This book. I truly didn't think it would end up like this.

HappiiEm Thank you for the lovely comments.  Thank you for following me. Thank you for starring a chapter and RUN to your reading list. XO

GGreate_MH Thank you for starring a chapter. Thank you following and RUN to your reading list. XO

iTyreanaa Even though you only voted a chapter I appreciate that you actually read some of my book. Thank you. XO

UUNIXrnLove113 Thank you for voting a chapter. XO

weirdnorwegiangirl Thank you for that one comment that inspired me to keep writing and finish my book. I actually no one read it but now some have. XOXO

Enjoy my book. Comment, Share, Star and follow me. I follow back.

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