Chapter one

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Chapter one

    I had finished high school, which in Norway meant that I had finished 13 years of school. I had just turned 19 years old. After finishing school I decided to move to London. I loved everything about England, the language, the people and the tea. I had been to London once before and all my favorite YouTubers lived in England! So, that’s how I decided to move there.

    I had worked all though high school, saving up for the future. That didn’t mean that I had a whole lot of money. Luckily I had found a flat in London, which surprisingly was quite centrally located for the price I could pay.

    The first of September was the day I was set to move. I had shipped over all of my stuff the week before, so I had the basics for survival when I finally got there. The first week went to sorting out my flat, unpacking all the boxes and buying anything else I needed. After that I decided to start the hunt for a job. I couldn’t keep living on the little money I had saved up over the course of the three years of high school. My parents sent me money every week as well, because I couldn’t really survive off my own money, but I wanted to be more independent. I mean, I had officially moved out now.

    In between the job hunting I was able to take some time off so I could explore the city.  Had never been much of a person for clubbing. The thought of a big crowded room with loud music, which I didn’t really like, full of lots of sweaty people didn’t really do it for me. So, in the evenings I would walk around all the back alleys, obviously avoiding the dingy parts of town, I had done my homework. And during the day when I wasn’t filling out applications forms for jobs or going to job interviews I would walk down all the shopping streets, looking in all the cute shop windows, and seeing all of those that London is so famous for. I rode the London eye, went to see Big Ben, Parliament, Trafalgar square, Tower of London, the National Gallery, and of course I had to take trip over to Madame Tussauds. I basically packed so many exiting experiences into those days; I was surprised I had the energy to actually look for a job.

    You could probably imagine my surprise when I was accepted for a position at Starbuck two weeks into my hunt. Starbucks was one of the first places I had applied to, because it was extremely close to my flat. It only took about ten minutes to walk there. Perfect! So, three weeks into my move to London I had gotten my flat al sorted out, seen almost every corner of London, and gotten myself a job. I was so thrilled.

    That Monday I started at my new job. The manager was a very kind woman called Lucy. I had met her at my job interview. She greeted me on my first day with a cheery “Hello Sarah, welcome to the Starbucks family”.

    “The Starbucks family?” I asked a little taken aback.

    “Oh, yeah I’m kind of required to say that to you, since it’s your first day” she assured me.

    She went on to get me my uniform; she had gotten me the right size and had had a nametag made after I accepted the job, I changed in the staff toilet. The uniform fit surprisingly well, it was tight in all the right places and the pants made my but look phenomenal. Lucy showed me around the shop; it was before opening time, so there were no customers. I was shown all the different machines and how they worked. I would have a training period where a superior of mine would supervise me. She would help me with making all the different beverages Starbucks offers.  To start with I was quite overwhelmed with all the different recipes I had to learn, but every day I got better and by the middle of my training period, after a week, I was already getting into the swing of things.

    [A/N]: Hey, I put up the cast list, and yes I do know that I have claimed the role of Sarah for myself, but I always write as if I am the main character. I did try to find someone else to play her character, and I did find a model who was perfect for it, but was unfortunatley unable to find her name. Anyway, who could be better to (basically) portray me, than me?

    The picture on the side is me, (so you have an idea of what Sarah is kinda supposed to look like), I know that I look like I'm 14, even though I'm 17 (I swear), so you have to ad a couple of years to the picture, since Sarah is 19. You can also see me in my profile picture and also in the cover.

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