Chapter thirty five

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Chapter thirty five

    I heard a knock on the door. My first thought was of Dan, maybe he had returned to apologize, not that it was really his fault, it was mine. I ran down the hall and swung open the front door. The person standing there wasn’t Dan though, it was Valery.

    “Hey Valery, what are you doing here?” I asked wiping away some of the moisture form my cheek.

    “I heard loud voices and a door slam, and then I saw this guy speed walking down the hallway, he looked pretty upset”

    “That was Dan” I said bursting into tears again.

    Valery walked into the apartment and closed the door behind her; she embraced me in a big bear hug “What happened honey? I thought things between you and Dan were going well”

    I finally stopped sniffling and looked up into her caring face “They were going well, we were having so much fun, but then when we started making out . . .”

    “Wait a minute” she cut me off “You guys were making out? Way to go you”

    “Yeah” I admitted a smile creeping on to my lips as I whipped away the tears “But now I think I might have ruined everything”

    “No don’t say that, he really likes you, I could tell by how upset he looked when he stormed out of here, now tell me what happened”

    We moved to the living room and sat down on my couch. I told her about how we had been having a good time and then I had kissed him, which she definitely approved of, and then how we had ended up making out. I told her about how my thoughts had started going all over the place and confusing me. I explained that it wasn’t like I didn’t want to be with Dan, in fact I really did, but first of all I was kind of scared of not being good enough for him, and secondly I was so confused after Benjamin had come back into the picture.

    “I mean, it didn’t really bother me that he was here in London to begin with, I just ignored that, but then when I found out about him and Anna that really destroyed me” I told her about when I confronted him about it and about the kiss. “I don’t know if I want to forgive him and give him another chance or if I’m just feeling like this because of my old feelings for him. Anyway, all my thoughts just got too much and I . . . I just couldn’t focus on just being with Dan” I finished.

    “You’re obviously really confused honey; did you explain this to Dan?”

    “I tried, but I don’t think I did a very good job, because he obviously didn’t take it so well”I sniffled.

    “It’s understandable that you had a hard time explaining it to him, he doesn’t understand the history you have with Benjamin. He probably just saw you having a hard choosing between him and your cheating ex-boyfriend.  And when you see it like that it doesn’t sound very good”

    “That’s actually exactly what he said”

    “Well then you just have to explain that to him, because you do want to be with him don’t you?” I nodded my head in reply “That’s what I thought, but first you have to figure out your feelings about Benjamin”

    “I know”

    “Talk to Benjamin, make a decision and then let Dan know what you decide”

    “I don’t want to have to decide; can’t I just have them both?”

    “I wish it worked like that honey”

    “I’m afraid that if I talk to Benjamin then I won’t be able to give Dan a fair chance, and if I don’t then Benjamin won’t be getting a fair chance. I don’t even know if Dan ever wants to see me again, he was so mad”

    “He was just hurt because he cares about you, that much is clear”

    “I hate making decisions, I just want everything to go back to what it was like before Benjamin came back into my life” I collapsed into Valery’s open arms with my head on her shoulder and cried and cried.

    After I stopped crying I sat in Valery’s arms for another few minutes, before sitting up and wiping away my tears yet again.

    “Maybe I should just turn lesbian, I’m sure girls are much easier to handle”

    “There are always rough patches in any relationship, no matter what gender you fancy” she comforted.

     “Shouldn’t you be at work now Valery?” I asked, suddenly realizing this.

     “It’s Sunday, I have off on Sundays”

     “I’m glad you do” I stated thankfully.

    “It’s getting pretty late though; maybe you should go to bed?”

     “Yeah, maybe I should, I have work tomorrow morning, but thank you for your help, I really needed you tonight”

     “No problem honey” she gave me one last hug, I led her down the hall and closed my door behind her as she made her way to her own apartment.

     [A/N]: Hey, new chapter, I hope you like it. I mean I don't hope you like it, it's really sad, and it was really sad to write, but I hope you feel like it's a good contribution to the story, I guess. As always, if you have any feedback please leve it in a comment down bellow, and I'll be back tomorrow with more.

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