Chapter four

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Chapter four

    I woke up the next morning and went to work as I had gotten used to doing now. I had almost perfected my morning routine. I had been able to squeeze all the things I had to do in the morning to get ready into exactly one hour. Since my work was only ten minutes away I didn’t really have to get up that early. It was at least an improvement to the last year of school.  

    I was clearing a table when I looked up to see Dan pull open the door to the shop and walk over to the counter. I felt a smile spread across my face, unable to control my joy. There weren’t a lot of other employees working, it was after the initial morning rush and the lunch rush wasn’t for a few hours. My supervisor walked over, signaling for me to go help the new customer. She started clearing the table I had just left and I walked behind the counter and over to the cash register.

    “Welcome to Starbucks, may I take your order?” I asked, this time remembering what to say.

    He didn’t look down at the counter this time, he looked straight at me “A double cappuccino with extra foam pleas” he answered dot displaying any particular expression. He was wearing black skinny jeans and another black T-shirt, this one with a white scull shape on it. Today he obviously hadn’t straightened his hair, he displayed those extremely sexy dark chocolate colored waves.

    “It was Dan right?” I asked, pretending I had just remembered from the day before.

    “Yeah, good memory you’ve got there” he replied now letting that adorable smile of his spread across face.

    I pushed my hair behind my ear while biting my bottom lip. Stifling a giggle I said “Thanks”, feeling my cheeks turn slightly red. I quickly pulled my hair back over my ear remembering that it looked better that way, I didn’t really like my ears very much so I almost always covered them with my hair. I wrote “Dan” on a paper cup.

    I told him the price of his coffee and he handed me some money. Again I marveled at the fact that our hands had once again touched. I made sure to hand him his change directly this time wanting to feel his skin against mine.

    “Please take a seat while you’re waiting for your order” I told him and he did.

    I busied myself for a little while behind the counter, occasionally glancing up at Dan. He was looking absentmindedly around the shop. I walked out from behind the counter and started clearing tables again. After a few minutes Dan’s name was called, he stood up, collected his coffee and pushed his way out the door. Again he walked along the sidewalk outside the shops wall of windows, and again as he was he was about to disappear behind the brick wall I looked up to watch him for those few second I had left before I would no longer be able to see him. This time however, I looked up to find him already looking back at me. He smiled slightly at me and then disappeared. I probably looked like a dear in headlights, was he actually smiling at me or was I just imagining it?

    My supervisor came over to me. “That guy who was just in here, he was totally checking out your ass when you bent over to clear that table”.

    “Really?” I asked bewildered. Was Dan, the Dan, checking out my but? I couldn’t imagine he would ever be interested in me.

    “Definitely, and you guys had a real moment when you remembered his name earlier” she answered, she sounded like she meant it.

    “Nah, I don’t think so” I said modestly. No, Dan couldn’t be interested in me, I wasn’t anything special. He could have any girl he wanted, he would never settle for someone like me.

    “You totally did, he’s cute, don’t you think he’s cute?” she asked persistently.

    Did I think he was cute?! Really? “Yeah, he is cute” I admitted. She had no idea.

    [A/N]: Hey, the picture on the side is of Ally, played by Erin Heatherton, like she is described in the story, a tall blond beauty.

    By the way, I'm really sorry my chapters are so short, I wrote this on word before I started publishing it here, so I never thought about how long they would seem on here.

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