Chapter seventeen

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Chapter seventeen

    I was actually really tired when Dan left, so I decided to update Anna on my Dan situation the next evening. She was now completely sure that Dan liked me as more than a friend. She was almost able to convince me as well, but I couldn’t be sure. This time she was completely serious when she told me to go for it. I was scared that he might not like me, but I decided, and promised Anna, that if an opportunity came up I would try to take it.

    I saw Dan in the shop the rest of the week, I was so relieved that it wasn’t awkward between us; we chatted and laughed together as usual. Ally had gotten a new phone; we were now texting all the time, not just about me and Dan though. We talked about lots of stuff and she invited me to a party she was going to on the next Friday. She wanted to introduce me to some of her friends and get me involved in the social circle of London. I wasn’t the most social person, so she agreed to let me bring two friends so I would know someone besides her.

    Looking forward to that Friday made time go surprisingly fast and before I knew it I was walking home from my last shift of the week. Dan had come in the shop that morning as usual; we agreed that I would go over to their apartment at six thirty that evening.

    Since we were just going to watch a movie and hang out I decided to go for sweatpants, a tank top and a loose cardigan. I remembered my jacked this time though so I wouldn’t freeze on my way home. I expected that it would be quite chilly by the time I left.

    I arrived at Dan and Phil’s apartment building and rang the doorbell.

    “Hello?” Phil answered.

    “It’s me” was all I said.

    “Come on up, we’re on the second floor” he said and buzzed me inn.

    Phil was waiting for me in the doorway and gave me a giant bear hug when I approached.

    “Hey you” he said fondly. We had really hit it off the other night and we had already become really good friends, Phil was such a sweetheart.  He stood aside to let me in to the apartment. I had seen it in videos and live shows before so I knew my way around pretty well. I entered the lounge where Dan was sat in front of the TV.

    He turned around to see me walk into the room “Oh, hey”

    “Ha” Phil chuckled.

     “What’s so funny?” I asked.

    “He’s been jumping up and down waiting for you to come for the last hour. He only sat down when you rang the doorbell. And now he’s greeting you in a surprised way, like he didn’t even remember that you were coming” he answered. Now I also started laughing. Dan pulled an irritated face at Phil.

    “He’s just making that up” Dan retorted.

    “Of course he is” I agreed, but turned around and winked at Phil who smirked back. Dan got up and gave me a hug, pulling me inn tight, my head fit so nicely against his chest.

    “You want something to eat or should we just get started with the film?”  Phil asked interrupting Dan’s and my hug.

    “Nah, I had dinner before I came. Let’s pick a movie” I said enunciating the word “movie”, I thought it was so cute that they say “film” in Brittan.

    “So, what type of movie do you want to watch?” Dan asked, also enunciating the word “movie” in a very sarcastic way.

    “I don’t know, let’s take a look” I answered. Dan led me over to their TV and showed me their immense collection. I nodded approvingly as I found the titles of more than a few of my favorites.

    “I am impressed, you have a very good collection” I complemented them.

    “Thank you, we pride ourselves on it actually” Dan replied “What about a scary movie?” he asked. I was actually terrified of scary movies, but I knew that would be an excellent excuse to snuggle up to Dan.

    “Ok, but only if one of you agrees to be my snuggle buddy” I negotiated.

    “I’ll take one for the team” Dan said teasingly.

    “Oh, I’ll have to sleep over, because I’ll be way too scared to go home” I said questioningly. Dan and Phil exchanged looks, obviously deciding if I could sleep over or not. They decided much faster than I had expected.

    “Sure” they exclaimed simultaneously.

    “Ok, well, you guys will have to pick a movie, because I have no knowledge of scary movies” I confessed. Dan held up a movie to Phil and Phil nodded yes, so, then it was decided. Dan set up the movie, Phil went to the kitchen to get snacks and I sat down on the couch. Dan approached the couch, sat down and we assumed our already perfected snuggling position. Phil then came out with two bowls filled to the brim, one with popcorn and the other with a selection of chocolates.

    “How did you know that my favorite thing of all time is popcorn and chocolate?” I asked.

    “Phil just knows these types of things” Dan said laughing, I felt his chest vibrate beneath me as he laughed. Phil put the snacks on the table and joined us on the couch, so I was sitting in between the two of them. This was like the ultimate dream of any phan. I reached for a handful of popcorn as Dan pressed play and the movie started. I snuggled up even closer to Dan as the title appeared on the screen.

    [A/N]: Hey, new chapter, this is a very good part of the story, so I hope you like it. As always of you have any feedback I would love to hear whatever you have to say, so just leave a coment if you have an opinion on anything.

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