Chapter thirty six

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Chapter thirty six

    After Valery left I went straight to bed, and surprisingly I fell asleep really fast. I slept well and when the alarm clock on my nightstand went off in the morning I didn’t want to get up. Somehow I managed to drag myself off of my comfy mattress and into the bathroom. I almost fell asleep again while sitting on the toilet, but when I came out of the bathroom and noticed how little time I had left I was suddenly wide awake. Rushing into the kitchen I grabbed a bowl and some cereal, shoving the food into my mouth with a spoon. Then I rushed back into my bedroom, threw on some clothes and hurriedly dabbed on the little makeup I usually put on. I locked my door and dashed down the stairs of my building and onto the street. A cold breeze hit me right in the face as I walked down the street, making my eyes water a bit, but I pushed on and finally reached the shop.

    When I walked in I was engulfed by the warmth and immediately relaxed. Ally was working the same shift as me, she could tell that something was wrong, but I told her I would tell her later. I wanted to focus on something other than my problems for a little while. Most of the time talking about your problems helps a lot, but sometimes you just have to distract yourself, otherwise you start overthinking and that never ends well.

     My shift went by at a somewhat normal pace. At the time when Dan usually came in I kept catching myself glancing up at the door of the shop, basically waiting and expecting Dan to walk in, but he never did. I didn’t really think he would, but I had hoped so. Someone else I knew did come in though, Benjamin.

    “Welcome to Starbucks, how can I help you?” I asked cheerily when he approached the cash register.

    “I’ll have my regular. You have memorized my order right?”

    “Of course I have, I do notice patterns. We try our best to please the customers here”

    “I know a way that you could please me” he said raising and eyebrow.

    “Oh shut up, you’re not funny you know that?”

    “Then why are you smiling?”

    “Then why are you smiling?” I mimicked him, trying to make my voice as low as his. We both laughed at my voice which miserably failed at matching his pitch. He handed me the money for his coffee and I handed him his receipt and change. We held each other’s gaze for a while afterword, he looked at me with an air of thankfulness, maybe because he thought I had forgiven him, since I was being so nice. It wasn’t a conscious decision to be nice; it just kind of came naturally. My brain kicked into action again and remembered we were in the shop and I had a job to do “Why don’t you take a seat while you wait for your order” I offered, gesturing towards the tables right behind him. He nodded and took a seat.

    The customers came in a steady flow, Benjamin and I glanced at each other in between each one. When his name was called Benjamin picked up his order, but instead of leaving the shop he went back and took his seat again.

     I felt a hand on my shoulder and I turned around to find Ally standing behind me with an evil grin on her face.

    “Isn’t that Benjamin? I thought we didn’t like him; I don’t like how much you’re keeping from me” she said accusingly “I mean you seemed pretty into Dan on Friday evening”

    “And you seemed pretty into Phil” I remarked, she narrowed her eyes at me in warning and I chuckled “Sorry, I just haven’t had time to talk to you; I’ll explain it all during our lunch break. Ok?”

    “Fine, but in the meantime could you go over and clear off those tables. The dirty ones right next to Benjamin”

    “You evil, ugh” I exclaimed, I stuck out my tongue at her, turned around and walked reluctantly over to the tables she had mentioned. The tables were not too dirty; I cleared them off and came back with a cloth to wipe them down. One of them had a stain form a spill of coffee that just didn’t want to come off, I was facing Benjamin scrubbing away and when I eventually gave up on trying to rid the table of the stain I looked up and found Benjamin’s gaze on me. I was still bent over the table and by following his gaze I noticed it was directed straight at the little cleavage I had, fully on display because I was leaning over.

    I shot Benjamin a look of warning, he quickly looked away and a few minutes later he got up and left the shop, not before he came over to me and whispered a quick goodbye in my ear though.

    When he left I decided it was time for me to take my lunch break, I walked to the back room and was instantly pounced on by Ally with a whole bucket load of questions. In short she wanted to know everything.

    I explained about the kiss with Benjamin I still hadn’t told her about, the kiss with Dan on the dance floor, the confusing text on Saturday from Benjamin, and my kiss with Dan on Sunday which had been cut short.

    “It sounds like you’re in quite the pickle” she admitted.

    “You can say that again. And now Benjamin is being all nice and sweet, how am I supposed to handle that? Like I told Valery I feel like if I talk to Benjamin he’ll just use his leverage in our history to convince me to “pick” him and I won’t be giving Dan a fair chance and if I don’t then Benjamin won’t be getting a fair chance”

    “You don’t have an obligation to any one of them. It’s your decision to make and they shouldn’t have a say in it. They obviously both want to be with you, they’ve shown you that in both actions and words. Now you have to make the decision for you, who do you want to be with?”

    “That’s the problem, I don’t know who to pick. I hate making decisions like this; I just want everything to back to the way it was before Benjamin came back into my life with all this new hurt and confusion”

    “That sounds like a vote for Dan to me” she looked at me knowingly.

    “I don’t know Ally” I admitted exasperated “I give up”

    [A/N]: Hey, new chapter, kinda just a filler to sort some things out, but yeah. I hope you like it. As always if you have any feedback please leave it in a comment bellow, and if you really like it please vote!

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