Chapter twenty seven

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Twenty seven

    Friday morning was refreshing; I felt good after having forgiven Anna and cleared up our friendship. Even though we hadn’t been friends for more than a day I had missed her, not that I usually talked to her ever second of the day, but not having the opportunity to contact her seemed wrong. All through Thursday I had had the urge to call her, not being able to talk to her about my problem was crippling. Luckily I had made some good friends in London, I was especially glad that I was getting so well along with Valery. I think I kind of knew from the time she had said she was sorry the first time, on Wednesday evening, that I would forgive Anna.

    I was in a really good mood when I went into work. All my worries and thoughts from the news I had received only two days ago had all drifted out of my head during the night. Plus I played my favorite album on my mp3-player (no, I still don’t have an iPod) as I walked to work.

    “You seem happy today. We missed you yesterday” one of my colleagues remarked in the brake room that afternoon.

    I was happy, not that I wasn’t happy often, but it seemed like it had been a long time since I had been that happy. Time flies, I guess, when you spend a day at home.

    I got right back into the swing of things, taking orders, making coffee, clearing tables. Lucy decided to put me to work right away, not that I minded. The day flew by at a reasonably high pace, having more than enough to do probably contributed to that. Ally obviously had a different shift that day, but that happened and I did have other colleagues who I was friendly with.

    All was well until I was standing at the register somewhere towards the end of my shift and heard the door of the shop open. I looked up to find the one person in the world who I did not want to see that day, Benjamin. He strutted over to the register in his usual fashion; obviously unaware that I now retained knowledge of his wrongdoings. I mean I think he still believed that I hadn’t gotten over him dumping me (something he probably believed I could eventually forgive him for), but as far as I knew he had no idea that Anna had revealed to me the shocking reason (something I would most definitely never forgive him for).

    With my fakest smile plastered across my face I welcomed him “Welcome to Starbucks, may I take your order?” I tried my best at a sweet tone of voice, but from the look on Benjamin’s face it probably came out in more of a sarcastic and I-would-like-to-stab-you-in-your-sleep tone. Not that I was so surprised at this, in my mind I was imagining pealing the flesh off his face, chopping it up and forcing him to eat it raw. Ok, maybe it wasn’t quite so violent, but I was definitely imagining giving him a good kick in the balls.

    “Is something wrong?” he asked in concern.

    “Nothing at all, will it be the usual then?” I asked trying hard not to glare at him in a sadistic manner.

    “Yes please? Are you sure there’s nothing wrong?” I obviously was not very successful.

    “Of course not. Your order will be ready in a minute, please have a seat while you’re waiting”

    He went to take a seat, occasionally daring to glance up at me to which I replied with an evil stare. Finally his name was called; he picked up his coffee and left the shop. I don’t think he dared look back in fear that I might fry his brains with my stare.

    I went on with my day; luckily none of my colleagues seem to notice my little run in with Benjamin, something they seemed to do most of the time. I was glad I didn’t have to explain that to them. Why couldn’t Benjamin just leave London and stop constantly being there, as the situation was he was making it impossible for me to forget about him. All I wanted was to never have to see that lying, cheating cunt ever again. Was that really too much to ask?

    [A/N]: Hey, new chapter agian. Hope you like it! I can't help but notice that I've put out almost thirty chapters and I've only gotten 7 coments. I would really like some feedback. I'm getting more and more reads so that's keeping my motivation up, but I would really like to know if people like or disslike what I'm putting out. I would love to be able to talk to and hear the input of my readers. So, if you have any feedback please leave it in a coment bellow.

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