Chapter two

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    [A/N]: Hey, the picture on the side is Daniel Howell, also known as Danisnotonfire on the internett. If you don't know who he is I suggest you go stalk him, it will definetly be worth your wile. He is also the guy in the cover, if you hadn't already guessed that. :P

Chapter two

    A week into my training period, on a Monday morning, I was standing at the cash register helping a customer. I took their order, they paid and I directed them to wait for their order to be made. The next customer stepped forward, I stopped mid thought. I couldn’t believe my own eyes. There right in front of me stood the one, the only Daniel Howell. I was in shock, mildly speaking. Could this even be real? Was I dreaming? He was standing there expectantly, looking awkwardly down at the counter in between us. He was wearing black skinny jeans and a black T-shirt with a white circle on it which I remembered seeing in some of his videos. He was right when he said that he was tanner in reality, I normally go for paler guys, but Dan really fit his slightly bronze skin tone. Then again, Dan would probably insanely attractive whatever skin tone he had. His hair was perfectly swept across his forehead, he had just had a haircut. I don’t know how exactly it was possible, but Dan was even more attractive in person.

    I knew I was supposed to greet him in the traditional Starbucks way. I couldn’t remember what I was supposed to say. My mind went completely blank. Behind me I heard my supervisor clear her throat and give a little cough. I snapped back to reality and remembered what I had to do.

    “Welcome to Starbucks, may I take your order?” I announced, my voice not sounding quite like my own.

    “Yeah, I’ll have a double cappuccino with extra foam” he replied, still looking down at the counter.

    “May I take your name pleas?” I asked, I didn’t want him to know that I already knew his name; in fact I knew almost everything there was to know about him. I had watched his YouTube videos for about three years now, and usually I openly admit what I will have to call my obsession.

    He looked up at me with a small smirk, his lush lips curling slightly upward, our eyes meeting. “Dan” he replied, he gave a small, nervous chuckle which made me want to lean forward at that very moment and kiss him like he had never been kissed before. Instead I wrote “Dan” on a paper cup and told him the price of his order, he handed me some money. Our hands momentarily touching, I secretly vowed never to wash that hand ever again. I laid his change on the counter and directed him to please have a seat while he waited for his coffee to be made.

    Carrying on taking orders and handing customers their change I kept an eye on Dan. He glanced up once obviously feeling someone looking at him. I hurriedly looked away, but held is gaze long enough to see his eyes twinkle slightly.

    When Dan’s name was called he got up, retrieved his coffee and headed for the door of the shop. He pushed open the door, exited and let the door swing shut behind him. He walked on the sidewalk following the outside of the shop. The wall was made up of windows and I followed him out of the corner of my eye. Before the wall of windows went over to brick I turned to watch him for those last few seconds before I would not be able to see him any longer. Just then he looked up, our eyes meeting for a split second, and then he disappeared behind the brick wall.

    After helping a few more customers I asked my supervisor if she could take over for a second so I could go to the bathroom. She agreed and I walked to the staff toilet. Sitting down on the toilet I put my head in my hands, trying to process my thoughts. I knew I sounded like a total twelve year old fan girl, but Dan, the Dan, had just been one meter away from me,  and I had touched him! Oh my goodness!

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