Chapter twenty five

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    [A/N]: Hey, ok I'm back, hope I didn't lose any of you guys during the wait. I littereally got home a few hours ago and I thought I should resume this story right away! This is quite a long chapter so I hope you enjoy and as always if you have a coment leave it down bellow.

Chapter twenty five

     When I was finished talking to Dan it was still too early to call Anna, even though I really wanted to just forgive her already. Talking to Ally and Dan had convinced me that I should just put the whole situation behind me, at least when it came to Anna. Benjamin was a whole other story. I just wanted to let Anna know that I had forgiven her already.

    I had nothing better to do, so I decided to do some cleaning. I hadn’t cleaned my apartment for a long time; I guess I had been distracted. I put on some music, loud, but not too loud, I didn’t want the neighbors getting irritated. I had gotten to know a few of my neighbors, at least the ones on either side of me in the hall. To my left there was a young man about ten to fifteen years older than myself, so maybe not quite so young, and to my right there was a young woman about five years older than myself. The man’s name was Bill and the woman was Valery.

    Bill and I exchanged smiles and “Hello’s” in the hall and occasionally had short conversations about the weather and such. I had talked more to Valery; we had “met”, I guess, when a letter that was meant for me had ended up in her mailbox. This was about a week ago; we had hit it off and had ended up talking for quite a while until she had to get to work. She worked as a bartender in a club and sometimes I had heard her coming home late at night, sometimes accompanied by someone else. Every morning I had heard two voices the previous night there was a new girl walking out of Valery’s apartment with what looked like a clubbing outfit (they never had messy hair or disheveled makeup though, I guess when a girl brings home another girl she has all that’s needed to look presentable in the morning). As you could guess Valery was gay, I did ask her to make sure and she admitted it right away. I didn’t mind, I had had a friend in high school who was lesbian. Neither of them were in to me though luckily.  

    I was cleaning the kitchen when I heard a knock on my door, and speak of the devil, it was Valery.

    “Hey Valery, what’s up?” I asked.

    “You have good taste in music” she stated “do you mind if I come in?”

    “Not at all, I was just cleaning, but it’d be nice to have some company” I stepped aside and let her in to my apartment “So, you like metal?” I asked as I close the door behind me.

    “Yeah, mostly the old-school stuff, but some of the new stuff is pretty good as well”

    At the moment one of my favorite Metallica songs “The Day that Never Comes” was playing. I usually play Metallica when I clean or exercise, don’t ask me why, I just do.

    “Cool, I never knew. Doesn’t it bother you when you’re working though? All that awful party music” we moved to the kitchen and I resumed my cleaning, Valery hops up on one of the countertops.

    “It’s not all that bad, but yeah, some of it’s really irritating”

    “I agree, there are some of the songs I could actually see myself listening to, but the rest is just three minutes of repeating the exact same line a thousand times”

    “Exactly” she laughed.

    Finally someone in this world who understood the struggles of a metal fan. We kept talking for a while, mostly about music and what bands we liked, I found out she was into a lot of the same as I was. I loved it when I found people randomly who I had a lot in common with. We wandered onto the topic of work; she already knew that I worked at Starbucks, so there wasn’t much more to say about that, it’s a pretty average job. She told me about her job though, and from there we kind of ventured onto the topic of her sexuality. Once again she reassured me that she was not interested in me.

    “You know when a lesbian tells you that they’re not into you at first your relieved, obviously, but then you’re kind of like, but why not?”

    She giggled “I guess you’re not my type, I mean you’re really pretty and all” she paused and I nodded in appreciation “but I guess I usually go for the a little less innocent type of girls”

    “I’m not that innocent” I argued, she gave me a you-are-and-you-know-it-look, “ok, fine, I am” I admit.

    “So you have your eye on someone in particular?” she asked, half teasingly, half serious.

    I ended up telling her the whole story about Dan, and of course then I had to tell her about Benjamin. She was the third person I had discussed it with that day. As expected she agreed with Ally about forgiving Anna. When it came to Benjamin, she had almost as strong feelings about him as Dan.

    “You know that’s why I don’t date guys, they’re insensitive little shits, no offence. I wish I could beat him up for you”

    “That’s basically what Dan said as well”

    “Who do you think would win in a fight between the two of them?”

    “I don’t know, Dan’s pretty tall, but he’s not very athletic, I think Benjamin would be stronger than him” I admitted.

    “You didn’t tell him that did you?”

    “Of course not, I don’t want to damage his precious ego” we both laughed loudly. The conversation went on for a little longer before I decided that I should start thinking about calling and telling Anna what I had decided. Valery said she had to get to work soon anyway, and wished me good luck. I let walked her out of my apartment and watched her walk down the hall to hers waving as she unlocked her door and stepped in.

     Well, I’ve always wanted a gay best friend.

    [A/N]: The picture on the side is of Valery, played by the gorgeus Emma Stone. I litterally have the biggest girl crush on her. Anyway, this is the picture that made me think of her for this role, her natural hair color is blond, but Valery is supposed to be a brunette/read head so I chose a picture of when that was her hair color.

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