Chapter forty four

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    [A/N]: Hey, this is the last chapter of Completely Unexpected, I hope you like it and that you have enjoyed this whole story. If you have ANY feedback please leave it in a comment bellow and if you like the chapter please vote.

    The picture on the side is from one of Dan's videos, I wanted an example of what his bedroom looks like and this was the best shot I could find. At least you get the bed, which of course of course we all know is the only important part.

Chapter forty four

    By the end of the movie we were all laughing. When we had finished Dan offered to go and make us some food as it was now about dinner time. After kissing me lightly on the forehead he left for the kitchen.

    Phil and I sat for a while like I used to do with my sister after watching any good movie and basically relived the whole movie, commenting on every funny scene and good line. Everything was now an inside joke, and Phil and I had a lot of the same humor.

    When we had finished talking about the movie the room fell into a silence, it wasn’t an awkward silence; we just hadn’t found a new topic of conversation yet.

    After a few moments Phil broke it “I know I’ve already said this, but I’m glad you finally came to your senses with Dan and all”

    “So am I, really I was just being stupid and I’m glad that I was able, with some help, to see how stupid I was being. I just want to put that behind us now, so we can move on with our . . . well, relationship I guess you could call it”

    “If what you and Dan have isn’t a relationship then I don’t know what is. He really likes you you know; I was genuinely worried about him” he admitted.

    “It really hurt me to put him though it as well, I guess I’m just not used to guys really liking me” I paused for a while “Phil, I know this is kind of changing the subject, but not really, do you remember my friend Ally form the other night?” I questioned.

    “Yeah, of course” his whole face lit up at the mention of her.

    “What did you think of her?” I pressed.

    “I don’t know, she seemed really sweet and she had a great sense of humor. Why?” he asked I could see he was getting curious now.

    “Oh, nothing, I was just wondering really. You guys just seemed to hit it off pretty nicely”

    I guess we did” he admitted.

    Just then Dan popped his head round the door and announced that dinner was ready. Phil and I got up and followed Dan into the kitchen and helped him carry the food back into the lounge where the dining table stood. We all gathered round setting the table.

    Dan and I sat down next to each other with Phil across the table from us. Dan hadn’t made anything fancy, just some chicken, vegetables and rice, but it was really good.

    “So what did I miss while I slaved in the kitchen?” Dan asked sarcastically.

    “Not much” Phil answered.

    “Not really” I agreed “we just talked about the movie, how Phil was glad I’ve come to my senses and how Ally and he hit it off the other night” I added.

    “Really? This is news to me, what happened?” Dan asked curiously.

    “Well, you were drunk so Ally helped me get you home. Phil opened the door half naked and helped us get you into bed. I excused myself to go to the bathroom and by the time I got back they were all giggles” I recalled.

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