Chapter twenty two

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Chapter twenty two

    Thursday morning I woke up feeling like shit, to put it mildly. My eyes were puffy, my nose was runny, and my hair looked like a birds nest. I got in the shower to try to clean myself up, I hadn’t even thought about the previous evening yet. I put in shampoo, balsam and shaved, as I was rinsing out the last of the balsam it hit me though, like a punch to the gut. My ex-boyfriend had cheated on me with my best friend and then broken up with me. The sobbing came back, I gasped for breath as tears streamed down my face and mixed with the water from the shower head. It didn’t feel like I was able to keep myself standing. I leaned against the wall of the shower and slid down till I was sitting on the floor of the shower hugging my knees, with the water pouring down on my naked, curled up body. I reached up and turned the water off, and then I sat there shivering for a while. I’m not sure how long I sat there for, but I finally got up slowly, I shakily reached out, grabbed my towel and wrapped it tightly around my body. When I looked at myself in the mirror my teeth were clattering and my lips were a soft bluish, purplish color.

    I decided to call Lucy and tell her I couldn’t come to work today. I made up an excuse that I had gotten some very bad news, which was partly true, except she probably thought someone had died. She let me off the hook for this once, since I had been pretty good at attending work, and I assured her I would be back and ready to give one hundred present on Friday.

    I didn’t want this to ruin my life, I liked my job and I wasn’t losing it because of this, Benjamin wasn’t worth that. All I needed was a little bit of time, just one day, to sort things out in my head and decide if I should be forgiving anyone. Anna was one thing, but Benjamin was a whole other story. I didn’t particularly want to, but I knew I would have to confront him about this at some point, it would probably be better if I did that sooner rather than later. By the next day I would have it all figured out, I would go back to work, resume my life and confront Benjamin.

    Today I could rest and think and decide, but first I had to sleep. For some reason I felt tired, like I hadn’t slept in years, although I had actually woken up just an hour ago after sleeping for eight hours.

    Three hours later I woke up not really feeling much more rested, but it was already midday and I decided I had to get up; otherwise I would waste the whole day in bed. Also, I would never be able to fall asleep again that evening. After pulling on my sweatpants from the night before, a giant hoodie over my head and slipping into my fuzzy slippers I dragged myself into the kitchen. I wasn’t really hungry, but I was smart enough to know that I had to eat something. Because of the circumstances I allowed myself to retrieve the one box of chocolate cereal I kept at the back of one of the cabinets. I poured myself a bowl, and no, no milk, I used to be lactose intolerant as a kid so I never liked milk. When I was younger I used to have cereal with orange juice, because orange juice was my favorite thing ever, but only in Cornflakes or other cereals with little taste.

    Not bothering with a spoon I scooped up some of the cereal with my hand and shoved it in my mouth. I munched on a couple of handfuls as I made my way over to the TV, grabbed the remote and plopped down on the couch. There was nothing good on, but I kept flipping through the channels, just to have something to do. After about an hour of this I got too bored and decided to go on tumblr, I always found something to do on there. I scrolled down my dashboard, got to the bottom, and reblogged a couple posts, but even tumblr seemed to boar me.

     I needed to talk to someone, clear my head, get all my thoughts out and make a decision. My first choice for something like that would usually be Anna, but unfortunately she was a part of the mess this time. The second best thing would usually be my sister, but she was probably at school and this couldn’t wait. Therefore, I decided to call Ally, she had become somewhat of a substitute best friend since Anna was back in Norway.

    “Hey what’s up?” Ally greeted me cheerily “Why weren’t you at work today?”

    “I’m ok, I guess, you remember that I told you about my ex Benjamin and that he’s here in London and stuff yesterday right?” I asked.

    “How could I forget?” Ally teased “I saw him today in the shop by the way”

    “Well something happened last night, and that’s why I didn’t come to work today”

   “What in the world could have happened between you that was enough for you not to come to work for?”

    “Well” I started, but Ally cut me off.

    “Are you sure this is something I want to know?” I knew what she was hinting toward.

    “Of course, it’s not anything like that. Well, kinda, but not” I trailed off.


     “Just let me explain it to you, and then you’ll understand”

    [A/N]: Hey, new chapter, hope you engoy! I seem to have gotten a few new readers so thank you for that, I appreaciate all my readers. I'm glad my story can bring reading pleasure to people. As always, if you have any feedback please leave it in a ceomment bellow.

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