Chapter ten

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Chapter ten

    It was unfamiliar to have a later shift, but it worked. I got home a while later, but I had more free time before my shift started. Either way I liked having an earlier shift because then I had to get up earlier and if I got up to late I always felt like I had wasted half my day.

    I got to the shop and started cleaning tables when I looked up to a familiar face. My ex-boyfriend (note, only ex-boyfriend), Benjamin, was standing right in front of me staring at me expectantly.

    At first I was quite stunned to say the least, but I quickly gathered my senses and greeted him with a friendly “Hello”


    Then there was an awkward silence before I broke it off by asking “What are you doing here?” not in a rude way, but not in the nicest way possible either.

    “Well, were on tour in England, so I’m in London for a couple of weeks. I was actually thinking of calling you to ask if we could meet up or something, but then I saw you in here” he explained. As if meeting him in London was the most casual thing ever.

    Benjamin was in a band, he was a guitarist, which was part of the reason why I liked him in the first place. We had dated for a year in my final year of Norwegian high school. As I mentioned earlier he was also my only ever boyfriend. We had quite a special relationship, since it was my first, but he broke up with me after we finished our final exams. He actually broke up with me the night after I gave up my virginity to him. After that we hadn’t spoken and he never really gave me a good reason for why he broke up with me except for “I feel like we’ve just grown apart”. The breakup was obviously quite devastating for me, him being my first boyfriend and first everything else, and we hadn’t spoken since.

    Now he was showing up completely unexpected in London, of all places. I had moved here partly to escape my past and get a new start, and now it was coming back to haunt me. What did he think he would accomplish by contacting me again?

    I tried to hide my confusion in seeing him again, trying to carry the conversation normally. He talked about the tour and I about my job. We didn’t talk for long though, he had to get going and I wasn’t too sad to see him go.

    I went home that evening still a bit confused about the way the day had panned out. In the evening I had a quick chat with Anna, I hope no one was around on her side of the phone when we talked because I think she literally jumped for joy. Of course she called my meeting with Dan a date, but I didn’t think that’s what Dan though it was, I also texted with Ally about it. She pretty much agreed with Anna, but it wasn’t a date. I wished it had been, but both parties have to agree for it to be a date. I decided not to mention my meeting Benjamin to either of them; I had to clear my thoughts first. I was so confused about the meeting that I didn’t even know what I felt about it.

    Anyway, I woke up the next morning feeling strangely rejuvenated; I love that type of mornings. I had completely forgotten about meeting Benjamin the day before.  I ate breakfast while watching TV and almost forgot what I was doing that day, luckily though, I didn’t remember too late. So I had quite a bit of time.

    Today’s outfit consisted of black skinny jeans, a white tank top and a purple, light, long sleeved cardigan tied with a brown belt. People usually place belts right below their boobs, but my skinniest point is somewhere right in between my boobs and my waste, so that’s where I place belts. Like the previous day I kept my makeup simple. With my hair I did basically the same as the day before, but pinned my side bangs back. I used to not like my curls, because obviously I wanted straight hair, and I used to try straightening it and failed, but a few years ago I had decided to embrace it.

    Since I had so much time I decided to leave my apartment early and take a detour on my way to the shop. Sometimes it was nice to simply walk around while listening to some music; I turned up my favorite band and did just that.

    When I walked into the shop I went up to the counter and ordered a cinnamon roll, I turned to find Dan already sitting at the table form the day before. I sat down across from him and starting eating, I’m not like those girls who don’t like eating in front of others, especially boys.

    “Hey” I said.

    “Hey” Dan replied. He was wearing jeans and a rust colored sweatshirt.  It was the middle of September which is why we were both wearing pants and long sleeves. Because in the UK, like in Norway the weather started getting chilly again the exact moment summer started fading.

    I went on to get out a pad of paper and a pencil from my bag.

    “What is this?” he asked.

    “Well, I promised that I would explain the Norwegian school system sometime when I had pen and paper, and I expect you have a bit of time since its Saturday” I answered.

     “But that’s not a pen” he retorted sarcastically.

    “Shut up” I said sticking my tongue out at him.

    I explained everything worth explaining about the Norwegian school system, mostly about the high school as that was the hardest to understand for anyone from outside of Norway. Dan did a pretty good job of following, but he got a bit confused during the last part. Somehow the subject then changed to hobbies and I told him all about my riding and I “found out” that he plaid piano, just like I did. He also told me about his videogame addiction. I never really was much of a gamer, but I had plaid some good Mario cart in my day, and we agreed we would have to play videogames together some time.

    Then, rinsing his throat he said “There’s something I have to show you, it’s actually quite a big part of my life” he bent down below the table and retrieved a laptop from his bag. 

    He moved to sit beside me, opened the computer, opened the internet and typed inn YouTube.

    “Actually Dan, there is something I have to show you first” I said taking the laptop and placing it in front of me. I typed my account into the search box and went in on it. I placed the laptop in front of Dan again, told him that this was my account and to go inn on the liked videos.

    He did and it came up multiple Danisnotonfire videos, sprinkled with some videos by Amazingphil, Crabstickz and various other YouTubers I watched, mostly British.

    “I already know” I confessed.

    [A/N]: Hey, here you og, another chapter. Now this is whare it starts getting interesting. Well, semi interesting at least, the really interesting part is yet to come. Hope you like it and if you have any feedback please leace me a comment.

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