Chapter sixteen

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Chapter sixteen

    Two hours later I looked over at the clock and noticed that it was 10.30pm. I sat up and stretched, that’s when I noticed that Dan had fallen asleep. He looked so peaceful when he slept, I almost wanted to not wake him up and just lie down and fall asleep with him, but I knew he had to go home at some point.

    I decided to wake him by throwing a pillow at his face. He stirred, but didn’t wake up, so I threw one more, even harder. This time he sat up quickly and looked around confused.

    “You fell asleep. You looked so peaceful, so I decided to wake you up by throwing a pillow at your face” I laughed.

    He gave me an evil glare and then out of nowhere he threw himself on top of me and started tickling me. I laughed, not because I was ticklish, because I wasn’t, but because of how hard he was trying. I was able to wrestle myself on top of him and started tickling him.

   Through fits of laughter he managed to press out “That’s unfair, you’re not ticklish” I just stuck my tongue out at him “You started it”.

    He was eventually able to catch my hands and held them with a tight grip around my wrists. Then, without warning, he let go and I fell down onto his chest. He wrapped his arms around me so I couldn’t escape, so I relaxed. His grip let up slightly; with his one hand he pushed my hair out of my face. I caught his hand as he was about to put it back around me and held it in my hands. His fingers intertwined with mine and I pressed his hand against my chest.

    “Are your hands always this cold” he asked curiously.

    “Yeah, they always are. That’s one of the reasons why I’m convinced that I’m a vampire. Cold, pale skin, vampire teeth and I like the taste of blood” I admitted.

    “But I’ve never seen you glitter in the sunlight” he taunted.

    “Well, Edward only glitters when he takes his shirt off” I retorted.

    “Your right” he agreed. Then he did something rather unexpected. He reached for the bottom of my shirt, which I had untucked from my skirt earlier to be more comfortable.

    “What are you doing? There’s no sunlight now” I said teasingly.

    He stopped abruptly “Your right” he admitted. I giggled.

    “I didn’t think you were the type of guy who moved that fast. I mean I’ve only known you what? Two weeks? And I thought we were just friends” I reminded him accusingly.

    “I know, I just . . .” he trailed off. Was Dan trying to tell me that he liked me as more than a friend or was he just being a little busy-handed?

    “Anyway” I broke the silence sitting up and climbing off him. He sat up as well; we were now at almost opposite ends of the couch. This was getting awkward, something I definitely didn’t want. I was unsure of what Dan felt about me, but I didn’t want to ruin our friendship in any case.

    “I should probably get going, it’s pretty late“ Dan decided, I nodded in agreement and followed him to the door. He put on his jacket and started leaving, without even giving me a hug. I watched him walk down the hallway. Suddenly he turned and rushed back, engulfing me in a big bear hug. We held around each other for a long time just savoring the feeling.

     He pulled away and asked “Do you by any chance want to come over and watch a movie with me and Phil on Friday?” I let out a sigh in relief smiling.

    “What?” he asked confused and slightly amused.

    “I just thought it would get awkward between us”

    “I would never let that happen” he grinned.

    "Good, and yes, I would love to” I said. I leaned inn and hugged him again. We were back to normal. I was so happy; I thought my comment about us just being friends earlier had ruined everything. We let go and he started walking away again.


    “Bye” I called after him. I watched him walking down the hallway again; I leaned against the doorframe and just watched his perfect movements.  

    He turned around slightly then squealed over his shoulder, imitating me “Stop checking out my ass girl” putting his hands on his hips and shaking his butt. I laughed loudly and closed my door, still laughing hard. Dan was so hilarious, even though he stole that from me.

    [A/N]: Hey, new chapter, I must say I remember having a lot of fun writing this chapter, so I hope you like it, just you wait for what's coming, I won't reveal anything, but if you liked this chapter you will definetly enjoy what's to come. If you have any feedback please leave it in a coment.

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