Chapter nine

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Chapter nine

    On the Friday I woke up at the time I had now started waking up for work. Then I remembered that I had moved my shift and wasn’t meeting Dan till later. So, I tried falling back to sleep, but I was too awake. It’s so annoying that when you have to get up you’re always so tired, but when you don’t have to wake up you’re wide awake.

    After trying to fall back to sleep for about fifteen minutes I decided to just get up. It wasn’t very productive to just lie there trying to sleep. I would need a little extra time to get ready for the day’s activities than usual.

    Usually I put on some jeans and a sweatshirt, as I was just going to change at work anyway, put my hair in a bun or just leave it as it was and put on a bit of concealer and mascara. Today I rummaged through my closet for twenty minutes trying to find out what to wear. I decided on a cute summery dress with flowers paired with a pair of grey tights. I wasn’t really the type of person who normally wore tights, but it was a little chilly outside and tights seemed to be in fashion in England. I put some product in my hair to stop it from frizzing so much, other than that I just left it alone. I didn’t really spice up my makeup much; I didn’t like wearing too much. Just some concealer, some powder to even out my skin tone, a tiny bit more mascara than usual and I decided to add a little eyeliner to top off the look.

    Looking myself over in my full body mirror I was pretty pleased with the look. I was never completely happy with my body; I had always struggled with my self-esteem. Yeah, Dan had said he wanted to be friends, but I wanted to impress him anyway, and you never know. Friendships can always develop into something more.

    I ate breakfast and refreshed Tumblr until I decided to leave and headed for the shop. I walked inn, but Dan hadn’t come yet. I said hello to some of my colleagues then went to the back of the shop and sat down at a corner table.

    I ordered a Frappuccino and brought it back to my table, just then Dan walked inn. He went to the counter and ordered his usual. He walked over to the table where I was sitting and took a seat across from me.

    “Hey” he exclaimed flashing me a brilliant smile.

    “Hey” I replied “Oh my goodness I never thought about how awkward this would be” I continued, I could already tell that this was going to get awkward.

    “Why would you say something like that?”

    “Because it always lightens the mood, when someone admits that it’s going to be awkward it never ends up being as awkward as they had thought” I explained “ and that is scientifically proven” I added.

    As I had predicted the conversation flowed quite freely after that. We talked about things like work, obviously he knew I worked at Starbucks, he said he worked at the BBC and left it at that. I wanted to blurt out that that wasn’t all he did, but was able to resist.  We talked about music, I of course knew that he liked all types of music, but I listened and pretended that this was the first time I had heard this, I told him about my taste in music, which is also quite spread out. Somehow we ended up talking about family as well, not sure how that happened. He was really interested in hearing about Norway as well which is what we ended up talking about most of the time.

    After about one and a half hour Dan got up and said “Actually I have to get going now, I have some work to do”.

    “Oh, would you mind if I walked with you?” I asked.

    “Sure, but I’m probably not going the same direction as you, how will you get home?” he asked, he was so considerate.

    “I’ll find a way back, I have to get used to finding my way around London, now that I’m living here” I assured him.

    “Ok, I trust you, but don’t blame me if you get horribly lost and end up as a homeless person at one of the tube stations begging for help to understand the tube system” he joked.

    “I promise” I agreed as we walked out of the shop and headed down the street. The conversation floated back to the topic of Norway. He was so interested and I had so much to tell, and I promised that I would explain the Norwegian school system some other time, because that was too complicated and I would probably need a pen and paper. We walked, talked and laughed side by side; my shoulder sometimes touching his arm.  He was so tall, staggering above me like a statue of a roman god. After walking for about fifteen minutes Dan stopped in front of an apartment building.

    “Well, this is me” he stated.

    “I guess this is goodbye then” I said.

    “We should do this again, do you possibly have some time tomorrow?” he asked hopefully.

    “Actually tomorrow is my day off so I have all the time in the world” I answered delighted that he asked “Should we meet at the shop again?” I asked.

    “Sure, well, see you tomorrow then” he said. He gave me a long hug, he was a great hugger, then got out his key and entered the building.

    As the door closed behind him I called out “Bye!”

    [A/N]: Hey, new chapter, the story is kinda picking up speed now don't you think? There's still a way to go before the reall interesting part starts, but it's coming. Hope you enjoy, and if you have any feedback please leave me a comment.

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