Chapter seven

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Chapter seven

    I woke up the next morning feeling awful. My calf from the day before had escalated the night before, now I felt nauseous and had a fever as well. I couldn’t go to work like that so I decided to call in sick for the first time. I usually felt bad if I ever didn’t go to school, but this time I really deserved to stay home. Adding to my not feeling well was the thoughts about Dan that kept circling in my head. Last night I had not wanted to do anything at all when I got home from work and ended up just having a small dinner and then going to bed at six o’clock.

    The only thing that helps when you’re feeling down about a guy is to vent. So, I decided to see if Anna had some time to talk. Luckily she only had one lecture that wasn’t until much later. We talked for a long time; she tried to cheer me up by saying that it probably wasn’t what I thought it was, the girl was probably just some friend of Dan’s. The best tactical move of hers was probably the “it’s his loss, and you’re better off without him”. She was right, and he had said that he didn’t have time for a girlfriend now anyway.

    Therefor I walked inn to the shop with my head held high the next day. That was of course till I saw Dan walk inn. I didn’t want to deal with seeing him, but I had to. The customer in front of him in the queue moved away and he walked up to the cash register with a brilliant smile, but seemed a little confused when I didn’t mirror his joy.

    “Hey” I said flatly.

    “Hey Sarah” he replied, his smile fading a little bit. The way he said my name was so beautiful, but I couldn’t let myself fall into his trap again.

    “So, the usual then?” I asked looking down at the counter.

    “Yeah, you know I missed you yesterday” he answered. Wow, Dan missed me. No, I didn’t want to let myself feel excited about that, but I couldn’t help but smile a little to myself.

    “Oh?” I asked looking up at him a little playfully. His smile had now come back and he was looking very pleased with himself for some reason.

     “Yeah, I actually had to tell the person working the cash register my order” this made me give out a small giggle.

    “Oh, I’m so sorry you had to go through that, it must have been such a traumatic experience for you. I mean, not getting any special treatment at all. What a disgrace, I will see to it that this person will be fired immediately” I retorted sarcastically. This time it was his turn to laugh. Dan had such an attractive laugh, I couldn’t help but let out the big smile I had been trying to hold inn. Maybe Dan wasn’t as uninterested as I thought.

    “I’m glad your back though, where were you anyway?” he asked curiously.

    “I had to stay home, I wasn’t feeling well”

    “And you just expected that to be a good enough excuse to leave me here to fend for myself?” he asked faking disappointment, he pouted.

    “You know I would never do something like that to you unless I was on my death bed” I replied also faking disappointment. I failed and my pout came out more like a twisted half smile, at this he let out another adorable laugh.

    He then got a very serious look “On your death bed?” he gasped bringing a hand to his mouth “Oh my god, how did you get well so soon?” he asked looking shocked.

    “Can I tell you a secret?” asked looking serious as well.

    He nodded in reply.

    I leaned over the counter and he also leaned toward me “I’m actually a magician, shh” I whispered into his ear. This made him erupt in what sounded like a great howl of laughter. Then we stood just smiling at each other for a little while. A thought popped up in my mind, were we flirting?

    Form behind Dan I heard someone tut and noticed that there had formed quite a long line behind him. It kind of ruined the moment, but it made me snap back into reality.

    “I think we’re upsetting some of the other customers by holding up the line” I stated still grinning stupidly.

    “Yes I think I am distracting you from doing your job” he agreed then walked away to take a seat.

    At that moment I was struck by what I can only describe as the most brilliant idea I have ever had. I knew from experience exactly where the brown slip to prevent you from burning yourself on the hot coffee was placed. I also knew that the girl working the coffee machine would never notice. I made a split-second decision and decided to chance it. Where I knew the brown slip would be placed I wrote in very small writing “My number: 39582232 P.S. I don’t get off work till 2 pm, Sarah”.

    I helped the customers in the queue glancing up at Dan every once and a while. More than once I found him looking back at me. When I did I would give a small smile, look away and go back to concentrating on my work.

    Dan’s name was called and he left the shop. Outside on the pavement he smiled gave me a little salute before disappearing out of sight. All I could do was smile back.

    Ally was working the same shift as me that day and during our lunch break I told her about the little message I had left on Dan’s cup. She literally squealed with delight when I told her, not very surprising that. I followed the cup in my mind; I imagined seeing Dan finding the message. If he did find it would he be happy? Or would he just be confused?

    [A/N]: Hey, here's the next chapter hope you enjoy, and if you have any feed back please let me know. The picture on the side is one of my favorites of Dan. He just looks so good in it, it's from one of my favorite videos of his as well.

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