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I stood at the window overlooking the houses below the cliff. The rain had reduced into a drizzle. The clouds parted making way for the subtle glow of the moonlight. My feet carried me unto the balcony. I inhaled the cold breeze into my lungs. My lips parted to reveal my fangs, my tongues capture some of the raindrops.

"You love the view?" I heard his voice behind me. I shivered slightly at the tingles as he drew me into his arms. "I love it too." He whispered into my ears drawing from me a giggle, his tongue caress the side of my ear.

"Keep me in your arms." I protested as his hands began to fall to my side.

"It is where you belong." He laughed before wrapping me tighter into his arms. I breathed in. "I love you, Leonard."

"I love you Viktor." I turned to face him. I cupped his cheeks before drawing his lips to mine. I moaned in the heated kiss.

"You want to start what you won't finish." He moaned groping my ass. He pulled me tighter into his body.

I chuckled. "You know I am able."

He sighed. "As much as I want to stay, I have some issues to clear with the coven heads."

I nodded. "Off you go then." I kissed him one last time.

"Not coming." He raised a brow.

"They need their King."

He smirked. "and their King Consort too."

"I will pass." I turned back to the scenery. I hear him linger for few seconds before his presence withdraw back into the room and out. I breathed in the cold air again. It chilled my already cold being.

It has been a little over four years I made the decision that changed my life. I had always thought the existence of vampires was nothing but a myth; stories to scare kids. It only existed in movies and fairy tales not until that fateful night in the cold where I encountered one.

I felt myself shiver as I unearth the memories that I had buried of myself. The memories of a helpless seventeen year old, a geek and a loner with an abusive parent with no thought of what the future holds. The memories I had of my little sister, the only one I loved and a few true friends I gained before I got sucked into the world of vampires. The journey from being a common vessel of feeding; a mere human to being the King Consort of them all.

It all started with a decision I made out in the rain.

Out In The Rain (boyxboy) ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now