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Charles POV

"My earth is in chaos and you Leonard Montenegro is our only saviour."

My heart stopped in its beat. I couldn't explain the feeling but everything stopped. I couldn't feel myself breath. I couldn't move my body. I wanted so much to look at Leo but my head was locked in place. My eyes stared straight at Merrick alone. I began to worry when my hands felt light. It was wrapped around Leo's. My voice box didn't work either. I tried to blink but it was like I wasn't in control of my body, then I saw Merrick's eyes widened. I knew something was wrong.

Everything happened fast. Fog filled the room in an instant. I heard Merrick yell and struggled with something. A loud crackle of thunder broke the jinx. I inhaled deeply. I heard Leo's mum and Jane do the same.

"Merrick?" Jane said from somewhere ahead. I could see her figure as the fog began to clear. I stood to move to her side but stopped as a scream pierced the silence.

"Mrs Laurel." I grabbed Leo's mum. She held tightly onto me. Her eyes filled with shock. My eyes trailed down her to see her cloth bloodstained.

"Are you alright?" I looked her over. Her lips shiver.

A blurry motion stopped her from answering. It went round and round the room till the fog lifted completely. My eyes widened to see Nick's pale body on the floor with blood oozing from the side of his throat.

"I needed that." the blurry figure stopped. He was a man. A vampire. He wiped the side of his mouth then licked it again. "Not so good but manageable." he shrugged.

"He wants them alive." Another man voiced. He walked in with another behind. "We weren't authorised to feed, Paul." He eyed Nick's dead body then shifted his gaze to Jane, Leo's mum and finally to me. His eyes narrowed.

"He is dead." She moaned in my hands. I held her tightly to my chest as her knees threatened to buckle.

"He struggled and it happened." Paul grumbled wiping his face again with a curtain. "he allowed Merrick escaped."

"More like your hunger allowed him escape." the third of them sneered. Paul looked displeased.

"Let's get them to Kevin's. He hates waiting." The leader said again.

"and the body?" the third man asked.

"Burn the house. Make it look like an accident." The leader of them three looked around for a while. "Let's go." He briskly to us and in a flash we stood outside.

My heart pound crazily in my chest. Jane and Mrs Laurel gasped as the house went up in flames within seconds.

"I saved you some explanations in case you ever come back." He said to Mrs Laurel and I.

"Don't..." He pulled her away from me and pushed her towards the third man.

"She's yours." He ignored me. "Let's go."

I didn't have the chance to ask. All I saw was the blur of houses and cars around us. I wondered where Merrick had disappeared to. My heart grew heavier at the thought of Berry too. She was with him before the fog and had disappeared also. I prayed silently for her safety.

Where the hell are you, Leo. I thought in my head.

"About time they arrived." I heard.

I felt the man's fingers on my windpipe. My voice caught in my throat as my eyes fell on Leo.

How did you get here so fast. I wanted to ask but my tongue froze.

I saw a boy behind him. He had same blazing blue eyes like Merrick. He was pale and too tall. He wore a leather coat and high boots. An aura of power swirled around him. He looked mischievous.

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