Three: Friends

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Within few days of constant dialogue with Bran, he had managed to bring me out of my shell and exposed me to the many things I have been missing out. I never thought of joining the geek club but Bran had insisted I join since he was a geek himself; a social geek I'd say in my own opinion. I had also notice he was more outgoing than before and I can thank Anna Marquez for that. She is one of the popular kids in school after all and she had taken Bran as a close companion.

From our few dialogues, I'd noticed the inquisitive part of him. Although he does in a subtle way but nevertheless he was nosy in a caring way though. His scrutinizing gaze always send a shiver down my spine and because of that I always make up excuses when I am with him so as to escape and not prolong our talk which I know would end up me spilling some personal things.

"Carry me to my bed." Berry yawned lazily beside me.

I smiled down at her. "Now you want to go sleep in your room?" She nodded shyly. I chuckled. "Off we go then." I carried her bridal style into her room.

"Good night, Leo." She mumbled sleepily.

"Sleep well Berry." I kissed her. I shook my head as I noticed she was fast asleep already. I made sure she was comfortable before I moved to my room.

My heart stopped in my chest at the person that sat waiting for me. I gulped. My body shuddered.

"Your mum will be coming home later than usual today." He said in a bored tone. "She has an unexpected meeting with a client." He sighed.

"O-Okay." I managed to say. My heart beat painfully.

"I miss her you know." His eyes ravaged my body. I shivered at the look in his grey orbs. "She isn't much around and when she is, she is always working." He stood up from the bed. I took a step back. He clicked his tongue. He waved his finger in the air. "Don't."

"P-Please." I begged.

His cute face lit up with a smile. "I know you want me, Leo. It has been weeks since we last had fun and I have been longing to touch you."

I turn to the door instinctively. I gave a small cry as his hand hooked my neck in a firm grasp. Pain seared throughout my body as he slammed me on the door. His breath tickled my neck as he inhaled me.

"I missed your smell." I cried as the lock snapped into place. "You don't have to struggle Leo. Just let it happen like it used to." He rubbed his hands all over me. I stiffened at his touch. "I hate when I have to be forceful."

"No." I thrashed in his grasp. "Let me go, Nick."

He snarled. "Don't fight it."

"Let me go." I shoved him off with all the energy I have.

He cussed. My head snap sharply to the side. I felt a metallic taste in my mouth. I brought my fingers to my eyes to see blood. My eyes widened.

"I hate it when you fight me." he growled. "You make me hit you in places that might raise suspicions." He unzipped the jean he wore nosily exposing his hardness. I moved backward at every step he took forward. "You can't escape me tonight." he smirked before grabbing me. I fought against him but soon I began to tire out.

I groaned as I felt him invade me. His moans seared pains throughout my being. His breath was poison to my bare skin. I cringed at every movement he made praying silently for his quick orgasm. I let my mind wonder off. My spirit ventured out of my body for the brief moment of the abuse. I soared to nowhere in particular; anywhere was better than what was happening.

"Thanks. That didn't take long." I heard him from a distance. "I hope you enjoyed it because I did." I felt a playful smack on my bare ass. I remained unresponsive even at the door shut softly behind him. Tears stream down my face. I screamed at myself at yet another helpless moment. I could have done something but I had always willed my body to be unresponsive. My heart grew heavier in my chest. My tears gathered in a puddle around my cheeks just as Nick flowed out gently from my hole. I allowed myself soar higher and higher until darkness engulfed me.


I slipped out of the house immediately I finished preparing breakfast. I made sure I was void of any bruise or redness before I exited my room. Betty knew well not to ask what was wrong as I moodily helped her get ready for school. I had an inkling she already knew what transpired last night. She must have been disturbed in her sleep during my short struggle with Nick. Her suspicion would have been confirmed since I didn't for once look her in the eye or smile like my usual self.

I pulled the collar of the sweater I wore higher to cover the bruise on my neck. It was the only thing I couldn't mask. My heart lightened at the chilly weather that greeted me as I stepped out. With my head, up high and a facade of wellness, I proceeded to school blanking the nagging memory of last night from my head.



My heart skipped a bit at Bran's voice. I'd done everything possible to evade him and everyone else today but seems like the universe just wouldn't separate our path as it kept crossing. First, at the entrance to school, then later at the corridor after a class, and finally at the library where I showed my displeasure of conversing. He nodded in understanding stating with a chuckle that the he'd forgotten the library was for reading and not for chatting. I breathed in relief. Immediately after the closing bell, I trudged to the oak tree in the secluded part of the school ground for a time alone and yet the universe wasn't done with me.

"Hey." I cussed inwardly feeling my emotions seep into my voice. I subconsciously pull the sweater collar higher.

He gave a short nod. He placed himself beside me and stared off. I shivered at the silence waiting for him to speak.

"Have you been avoiding me?" he uttered out of the blue.

I laughed nervously. "No, why would I? I have no cause to."

He shrugged. "I don't know but you seem off today." He stared at me. "and you aren't your usual self."

I refused to meet his stare. I shrugged. "Everyone has got a 'down' day." I quoted the air.

He smiled. "I agree."

I nodded. He fell silent again. My heart raced in my chest. I spared him a quick glance but flushed as our eyes met. He was staring with an unusual look.

"What?" I croaked.

He breathed. "I don't have much friend." He paused then shook his head. "Scratch that. I just began having friends, thanks to my mum's insistence and I don't want to hurt them and vice-versa. I just want to know if I have done something to offend you. It feels like I have."

I shook my head. Why would he think such? I thought to myself. "It's not you Bran." I replied meekly. I saw the relief on his face. He relaxed a bit. "I am going through some personal things and it is getting the best of me. I am sorry I gave you that impression."

He smiled. "I am glad to hear that." His hand crept on mine. "I would hate myself to know I had done something to hurt those I call my friend. I get emotionally attached very easily."

I grinned. "Thanks for being a friend."

He shook his head. "Thanks for accepting me as one." He frowned a bit. "I think that is why I don't mingle much."

"Fear of disapproval?" I raised a brow.

He shrugged. "Maybe."

"I don't mingle too." I blurted.

"I noticed." He patted my hand. "You are not alone, Leo. I can be a good listener." I shivered as he bored into my eyes. "Whenever you are ready, I will be here." He smiled one last time and he was gone.

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