43. Hanging

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"Harry, it's coming your way," Niall yelled at me. I hit the volleyball over without once looking at the ball. There was something going on out in the hall.

"Harry, mate, are you okay?" Liam's wet hand patted my back. But my mind was still focused on whatever was going on outside of the pool room.

"Yeah, I'm fine I just thought I heard something," I said. I turned around and Louis had hit the ball once more over but a bit farther than he expected. The ball rolled near the door.

"I'll get it," I got out the pool before anyone answered. The water dripped of my trunks onto the dry floor. I had gotten the volleyball and jogged back into the pool when I heard commotion out in the hallway.

"Ow," I heard with my heightened sense of hearing. I looked at Louis and he got out the pool before I could say anything. He had heard it too. The others, which are Jayden, Rosie, Tony, Justin and Isabella were a bit slow on registering what was happening; humans.

"Guys, are you okay?" Rosie asked. They all stared at me.

"I heard a noise," I said.

"I didn't hear anything," Jayden said. It was like he was just trying to disagree with me on purpose.

"Louis went to check it out. I think I'll go too," I said and I walked behind Liam and Niall who had already gotten out the pool after Louis.

"Kenzie are you okay," I heard Louis far off, worried.

"No I'm not but-," Kenzie said and I did my best to walk as fast as a human could.

"Ahhh!" I had just walked into the scene to see that Kenzie had shot Louis with what seem to be none other than Lou's own infamous Kool- Aid gun.

"What the hell?" Louis seemed a bit mad. Liam and Niall were laughing on the floor. Louis turned around and stared dagger at them.

"I really thought you were hurt," Louis said as he wiped his face off of Kool- Aid.

"Oh c'mon Louis you should have seen your face," Liam said as he tried to sober up but failed. I smiled. Kenzie always knew how to have fun.

"She got you good," I added and Louis then looked at me.

"Oh don't worry Louis, I got them too," Kenzie said. But she didn't move from her spot on the floor. I looked around to see what she meant but she just sat there. I heard the faint sound of footsteps coming from the pool but nothing else.

"Gotcha suckers," Kenzie and Zayn said as he popped out of nowhere. He had a gun in hand and squirted us all with Kool- Aid.

"Not funny anymore eh?" Louis stood there smirk plastered on his face. I brushed my half Kool- Aid soaked hair to the side.

"What's going on here?" Jayden and the rest of the humans walked in. He took one look at the whole situation and walked over to Kenzie but not before laughing.

"Nothing more fun the water guns huh babe?" Jayden held his hand out to her. She grabbed it and tried her best to get up. But I saw that she had really hurt herself and was trying her best to act like nothing happened. From what I could tell she had sprained her left ankle. The idiot didn't see it.

I walked past the lads and up to Kenzie. Kenzie looked at me and I smiled at her. She cocked her head to the side. Confused to why I stood their next to her boyfriend. I walked closer and grabbed her so I could have a better hold of her. I grabbed her bridal style and began to walk back to the pool area.

"Harry, I'm fine I think I can walk," Kenzie looked at me. I neared the lads who had all stopped laughing and staring at Zayn who had the biggest smile I have ever seen on him before.

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