3. Introductions

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"Babe, where were you?" Jayden's grey eyes stared briefly into mine before swiftly returning his attention to the basketball game.

"The restroom. Not that you would care, seeing that you aren't even paying attention to me," I muttered. I sat at the end of the row next to Jayden. Frank sat at Jayden's left, oblivious that I had returned.

"Kenzie, you know I love you, but I'm trying to convince your dad to let you come with me. If this is the only way how, I have to do it," he spoke, gazing at me, and I looked back at him. Noticing a loose strand, he guided my brown hair behind my ear.

"I know, you're right, but it does not mean I like the idea that my boyfriend isn't giving me at least some of his attention." I sat back into the somewhat comfortable seat and crossed my arms over my chest.

"Let me make it up to you after the game..." I kept my stare straight ahead, "...I'll ask your dad to let me take you out. You and me, just us, alone. You know, we wouldn't have to go through this if your mom was here," he uttered. Jayden took my hand into his and kissed my knuckles softly.

"Jayden, she's busy. Yeah, it would have been easier with her here, but a last minute thing popped up. I barely had time to even say goodbye to her." I looked at Jayden, observing his perfectly combed back hair. He laughed.

"Okay, okay, but here's a promise. We'll go anywhere you want after the game. After I convince your father that he can trust me, that is." He smiled. I nodded. I couldn't be mad at him, but the next hour or so was going to be horrid.

"Excuse me, pair of lovebirds, but if Jayden here is trying to get Pops to give you up so easily, he better be sitting next to him," Frank pointed out.

Jayden looked at me. I sighed. Jayden gave me a quick peck and exchanged seats with Sophie. Sophie took the now empty seat next to me and gave me one of her biggest smiles. At least she felt some sort of hope from all of this.


"Sophie, come on. Let's go to the store." I repeatedly poked Sophie. She was a bit distracted with her ice cream. She looked at me and her brown eyes sparkled beneath the parlor's lights. She was more excited than I had expected.

"It's fourth quarter already? Yay!" She was quick to give up her bowl of ice cream almost as quick as Frank was to happily receive it. I retrieved my jacket, wallet, and phone. It wasn't until Sophie had grabbed her things that Frank looked up at me. His lips moved, though, I couldn't hear him through the audience's shouts and the squeaking of sneakers. Either he said something around, "I'm pregnant," or "Get me some popcorn." I wasn't able to ask him what he had said because the spectators behind us were already scolding me to sit or to leave. I walked out the stadium with Sophie holding my hand. It was snowing outside; fresh snow cloaked the ground. We had taken just a couple of steps out when my iPhone vibrated in my pocket.

Where did you go with Sophie?

Oh. Now they noticed that I existed. Almost the whole game I had been invisible to them. Now that I so happen to go missing for about ten minutes, he cared.

Taking Sophie to the store. The one you don't have time to take her to.

I clicked send, and moments later, my phone vibrated again.

Babe where are you? You just disappeared. I miss you :(

I laughed. I was gone for ten minutes and suddenly everyone noticed I was gone and "missed" me. All I needed was for Frank to-
My phone vibrated.

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