A Free Critter

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A Free Critter: The Good Dinosaur

Forgotten Pixar Character

*On November 25*

Me: Time to go see the Good Dinosaur!

*1 hour and 40 minutes later*

Me: *Cries a river*


Hello my followers. Sorry for not updating for a while. Like I said, no internet at my new house nor cable.

So as in the update, I chose the Free critter because it's fate was so unfair! It was cute and and large eyes. Then what the other pterodactyls did with it's tail after it's fate....my goodness, Pixar. So cruel!

Pixar that's a bit dark, but I guess it was the only way to show that Thunderclap was not trustworthy. That pterodactyl has problems, many problems with no fear at all.

So yeah, if you haven't seen this movie yet, go see it. I grantee that you'll love it AND it's a bit better than Inside Out. (Most people I hear said that Inside Out was terrible)

Plus, you can relate to the movie, like I had. What I'm going through is kinda the same way that's going on in the movie. (Kinda)

PLUS, the animation....oh the animation! But, I don't get why this movie got a 'C' rating? Goosebumps 'B'. Hunger Games part 2 got a 'B'. HOW??? WHY????

What I read said that the dinosaurs looked like parade floats and Spot's teeth were perfect when he likes to bite on things.

Even though I didn't see the new Hunger Games or Goosebumps(I still want too) movies, I still believe that the Good Dinosaur deserve more!

Do y'all agree?

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