Rewrite on the Rage

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What is up with Walt Disney World?

Sorry once again no internet and no on lately but then I read this and I NEED EVERYONE TO KNOW!

"The Earffel Tower is located in the park's backlot area, and could be observed by guests riding the Studio Backlot Tour. After the attraction's closing in 2014, the Earffel Tower is no longer viewable outside of The Twilight Zone Tower of Terror. In January 2016, Disney confirmed that the tower in Florida would be removed in early 2016."

I am so mad!!!! Why!!!???




You mite as well take the castle or Tree of Life down while your at it!


Update 6-27-16: The Earffel Tower was removed on April 29, 2016, to facilitate the construction of the park's Toy Story Land.

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