Walt Before Mickey Review

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I have a little free time so about a movie review?

Wow, I don't know why a lot of people didn't like this movie when I read some reviews but I thought it was wonderful and showed a great job on Walt's life before Mickey. 

For starters I love the cast pick for example, the former Disney channel star David Henrie(Justin from Wizards of Waverly Place) and Jodie Sweetin(Full House and Fuller House)

I for one love the plot and makes me want to read the book it was bace after with the same name. One part in the movie made me question but it was probably just for the movie and how adorable it was! I did cry but that was because Walt lost everything and his only friend was a little rodent in his pocket. Then the little guy ran away and Walt broke down. THAT WAS SO SAD!!!

Next to that I personally love the quotes and I pick my TOP two.

"Dreams don't come true without a lot of failure and hope."

"Let me tell you something about life... always finish what you start and anything worth doing, is worth doing well."

I was lucky to find the movie online since I discovered it on my teacher's Netflix. So if y'all are deeply into Disney and wanted to watch something new, and probably have a Netfix,(wish I did) then I recommend Walt Before Mickey. It will make you smile in the end and make you all feel all nice a warm like a Disney movie should be. If you enjoy this movie as I did, you'll take it from heart and learn from it. This movie really shows what life can do to you and with hope, you'll be able to wish upon that star and become a success. 

June 13 2016 update: Found a picture from the movie with a twist funny part.

June 13 2016 update: Found a picture from the movie with a twist funny part

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Always a D.R.E.A.M. (Disney Rules Everything Around Me)

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